OMG U DID & I NOTICED BUT DIDN SAY ANYTHING CUZ I WAS WONDERIN IF U WOULD NOTICE! xD Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Quote:
Originally Posted by iBeJenn "The fact that I am AWESOMETASTICAL," Selena said with major amounts of DUUUUH. Because the professor was seriously sloooow. "Thank you, Professor W to the fourth power," Selena said with a smirk. Because he was WEIRD. Which was a W. Which was now part of his name. Yupperdoodles. Clarke barked at the guy as he took his new friend away. THEY WERE PLAYING. They were going to play with the purple ball! Why was the man mean? The cruppy continued to bark and jump, trying to reach the table... and get his friend back before the man ATE him or something.
. . . The professor was getting old. Yup. He was suffering from old-people disease and losing his memory. The healer probably had something for that. "Nope. Not at all." Because he didn't add the tea leaves in. Silly, weird professor. And yes. She was getting tired. Because the professor had not guaranteed that Clarke wasn't going to EAT Kent.
And what he said didn't reassure her.
Hesitantly, she shook on it. But if the professor lied... she was going to set Clarke on him. After she made the cruppy BIG. "Ooookkaaaaaaaaay..." Selena said slowly, looking at the purple pygmy puff who seemed to be inching towards something or the other... looking for snot perhaps? That was nasty.
No. Jackie was not being himself. He was being weird like the professor. Obviously. "One more question! If I were to stick Kent onto Clarke, would Clarke be able to lick Kent?" Selena asked. Because it seemed like a totally normal question to ask. Um.....okay.......? "I think you just made that word up," Williamson decided, also figuring that the girl had not taken algebra in her lifetime and was therefore confused as far as exponents and his name were concerned. Poor thing was touched in the head it seemed.
He ignored the barking and shrugged, relieved that girl seemed to be somewhat accepting of his compromise. He no longer wanted tea, either; nope, he felt a strong headache coming on and just really felt like taking a short nap before he had to go check on all his creatures.
"No, he probably wouldn't," Willy sighed, answering her question as best as he knew how. "He can't turn his head far enough to get to the puff." As far as he knew, anyway. "Anything else, Prefect Z?"
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |