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"True true." She smiled and rubbed her eyes, "What time is it?"
Tay smiled, "That is good that you are doing fine." Taylor looked where she pointed to and nodded. "Okay." She laughed, "Whatever keeps most of sanity intact i guess." Tay grinned at his mother.
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"actually lafay didnt run my detention.. at all.." Ariana said thinking about it
Maxwell smiled and looked to his watch. "It's 1:30 in the morning." He said laughing a little... it felt much later to him
"That's exactly what i was thinking, But i'm off to finish a bit of reading. Have a good time, Dear." Joan smiled and waved and then was off to her room.
Maxwell looked confused... "Lafay didn't run it? But she's like the devil... She loves torture?" Maxwell said in a confused voice.