Originally Posted by
Jezabel Black
Jez couldn't remember a time that the Forbidden Forest had been so ... active. How many creatures had come out of there in the past year? She'd lost count. And then there was the orb. Despite not having it any longer, she was still interested in it, and the Hufflepuff Nate's theory that it had come form the Forest was intriguing. So she had come to investigate.
Jez made her way cautiously to the tree line, not inside the forest's boundaries, but close enough to see a distance into it. She didn't know what she was expecting - that a beast would come out and answer all her questions? - so she sat down on the grass, watching the forest and occasionally looking up at the sky, which was slowly darkening into twilight.
Jordan wasn't quite over the recent quidditch loss, he and the whole team had played brilliantly but to no avail. He stomped around in the darkening night, hoping that all of his frustrations would be released somehow. He was mostly annoyed with himself, he hadn't seen any of his friends for ages! Not one!
He himself hadn't heard anything from Team Wolf, but Jez, Nate or Pam could've and he didn't know! The Forbidden Forest seemed like an attracting destination for Jordan now, but as he approached the outskirts of the forest he noticed a familiar figure sat on the ground.
"You shouldn't be out here, not at this time of night" Jordan smiled as he sat down next to Jez.