♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Oh cool another Hufflepuff to make friends with. "HI I'm Laura Hope Hyde, but you can just call me Laura." Laura giggled. "And I'd love to work with you, we can talk a lot about Pluto." Laura smiled or talk about boys or anything really. "Did you see that cartoon that had the dog Pluto?" Laura giggled. "I really don't think he would be a good planet." Amelia smiled at Laura now. "I'm Amelia! You can call me Mia." YAY for meeting new people and possibly making new friends. She remembered Laura as the girl who didn't seem afraid of the Skrewt. That made her rather... interesting in Amelia's opinion. Laura must be rather brave.
She chuckled at what Laura said now. "I don't know what dog you're talking about, but I'd love to see it some time." It seemed rather interesting and as a Pureblood, she liked seeing Muggle things. "But we are supposed to talk about the Pluto that exists in space," she explained now. "I don't think that it should be a planet either, because it doesn't fit all the categories. I think it works best as a dwarf planet." |