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After witnessing the very well done dodging that was put into play by Waylon, Medea was sure she'd asked the right person. Even if that mild panic attack he had was now making her second guess in the back of her mind. She smiled a little and nodded, glancing back out to the students. "Soon."
Yes, she totally meant to sound ominous. She owed him one for this.
Waylon liked the sound of that. It meant that is wasn't happening right away and he had a little bit of time to prepare himself for whatever he had signed up to do. And he really, really did have plans of asking Medea what exactly he had signed up for, but it seemed the woman was busy with.. her class. And all the mess the class had made.
He needed to pay attention more. He missed all the fun.
SPOILER!!: Alyssa!!
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Alyssa decided that since her wand arm was rested, that she would try the Verdimillious Tria spell again. Raising her wand over her head, she said the words to the incantation."
VERDIMILLIOUS TRIA" as she began moving her wand over her head trying to form an oval shaped type of rope lasso. As she moved her arm 'oval' and 'oval'

she looked up and saw a small red orb appear. "
Good now that I've got that, I've got to maintain it long enough for it to hit the chest."Alyssa whispered to herself as she concentrated even harder on what she wanted the spell and do as well as making sure that the shape she was creating overhead didn't change to a circle.
Slowly waving her wand overhead, trying to maintain the spell, Alyssa decided that it was time to cast the orb at the chest. Focussing on the chest, with a downward slash, she flicked her wand and released the red orb. It flew...away from the chest and headed for the Groundskeeper and it's color changed to a weird orange. "
was going to say Mr. Jennings 
Alyssa tried to call back the orb. "
FINITE...FINITE" she pointed her wand at the orb trying to reach it before it hit him.
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Alyssa heaved a sigh of relief when her "FINITE" spell was able to dissolve the orb before it hit the Mr. Murdoch, the Groundskeeper. She holstered her wand and listened as the Professor gave them the option to continue practicing the spells again in class or to participate in the activity that she had organized outside the classroom. To her, that decision was a no brainer for her. Alyssa raised up her hand, and even though she was tired, she told the Professor."Professor, I would love to participate in the activity too."
But apparently the wasn't going to have a chance to prepare himself for anything.
Not even that red orb that was flying in his direction.
Scrunching up his nose as he watched the thing get closer, and closer, and closer, Waylon had just unfolded his arms from across his chest and placed his hand on his wand. Although it was pretty mean, he was thinking of somehow redirecting the orb to fly at Alyssa. See how she liked it!
Thankfully, though, before he had a chance to even raise his wand, he watched as the orb just disappeared.
Yeah, take that, orb! he thought as he flashed a smug grin in the Hufflepuff's direction.
Can't touch him!
SPOILER!!: O___O target practiiiiice!?!?! :P
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They probably had thirty minutes, maybe a little more, before the class ended. Most so far wanted to do the activity, which was fine with her. "Like I've said, I've hidden a number of items out in the first floor corridor with the bedazzling hex, and you are to use the Verdimillious spell to try and find them. If you bring them back to me, you can grab a few extra points for your house. There are equal items out there for each house, and they are of course, colored the house's color, so if you come across an object that you know doesn't represent your house, leave it be."
"Also, if I catch the fact that you skipped out on class early or are using any spell other than Verdimillious, you will be losing house points. I expect all of you to be back here at the end of the lesson relatively unhurt; items vith you or not. Othervise, you better have a very good excuse. Other than that, you can go ahead...The items are only on the first floor corridor. Don't stray elsewhere."
"As for those who vont to practice the offensive nature of the spell, Mr. Murdoch here vill be helping us...vith target practice." Really, she really really owed him for this. Glancing towards him, she gave a quick smile before moving on. "You all know the incantation, Verdimillious, yet to achieve this side of the spell, the vand movement is quite different. A lot less elaborate I guess you could say. All you do, is point your vand at your target, and say the incantation. For example. Verdimillious." She pointed her wand at the invisible chest. A green line of sparks shot from her wand before surrounding the chest, snap, crackling, and popping around it for a moment before disappearing.
"It's effects can be quite effective in dueling to buy you some time. It mostly feels like little stings and pinches, making the skin become quite sensitive. So umm..." Medea glanced towards the groundskeeper. "Mr. Murdoch here vill let you know if you're doing it right. Like I said, if you do happen to be hit, I do have a cream here that'll help soothe the sensitivity."[/color]
And very slowly, as he listened to Medea explain what the activity
he was going to help with, the grin on his face began to disappear and he stowed his wand back into his holster. Target practice!? THAT was what he had so willingly volunteered for? Was he CRAZY!?
No wonder why Medea hadn't told him right away. She knew he would have said no, and now that he was there, in front of all the students, he wouldn't back out of it. That was why the woman taught Defense Against the Dark Arts, pfft.
"Right." he drawled, narrowing his eyes slightly at Medea before moving off the windowsill and moving to the front of the class. Since it was target practice, was he supposed to run around or something? Make it difficult for the kids to hit him?
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Ella had decided to stay behind and practice the offensive nature of the spell. She didn't even mind the whole minor injury bit, she just wanted to master the spell. She watched carefully as Professor Romanos demonstrated, noting the green line of sparks, and took a deep breath. Looking at Mr. Murdoch, she held up her wand, ready to try. "Mr. Murdoch, I'm going to give it a go now, okay?"
Ella faced Mr. Murdoch and closed her eyes, concentrating on what she wanted to happen. She was a bit nervous to send a spell at the groundskeeper, especially since he had never done anything to her, and it was making her have second thoughts. She tried to shake them away as she said the incantation. "Verdimillious!" She pointed her wand directly at Murdoch, expecting the line of green sparks, but only a faint green smoke emerged. "Er-that definitely wasn't right..." She said sheepishly.
Before he could ask, however, he noticed that the few students who had wanted to stay behind and target practice raised their wands. Did they not hear Medea? Hadn't she mentioned something about sweets? Why weren't they all running out of the classroom to go and find them!? Kids. Now they were the crazy ones.
Maybe some of the
nice kids who had left the room would share the sweets with him. He was going to need it.
Heaving a sigh, Waylon held his arms down at his sides and watched Ella intently as she tried the spell. He really couldn't help the grin from forming on his face as she only produced green smoke. That grin was probably mean of him, but they were trying to STING him.
"Good try!" He supposed.
"Go again." Quote:
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Ooooo... So, Mr Groundsman here will help them with their spells? How nice of him! "Ok. Here I go, Mr Murdoch!" beamed Hades excitedly as he draws a circle with his wand. "Ver... Di... Mill-lious..." muttered the boy, now looking serious as he swishes his wand downwards aiming for the groundskeeper. However, it doesn't hit the man. Instead, it misses and hits the now visible chest behind him.
Sighing in dissapointment, Hades scratches the back of his head. How could younger kids get the spell quicker than he does? Usually, Hades aces any spells he learns. This is really embarassing!
Now this kid, Waylon was already wary of.
The boy had called him Mr. Groundsman earlier, and he didn't know if it was just him or not, but it seemed like he really, really wanted his spell to work. Scary kid.
Even scarier as the green sparks flew out of his wand. Standing stock still, the groundskeeper closed his eyes tightly and waited to be hit. Only.. he didn't feel anything. Perhaps he was too manly to feel the sting, or maybe.. Opening his eyes, he focused them on Hades before turning his attention to the chest sitting behind him. HA! He missed.
"You missed me!" he taunted in a sing song voice. At least now he didn't have to tell him to try again.
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Alyssa shrugged. "I don't mind sticking around for bit and trying out the offensive spell. I hope that Mr. Murdoch doesn't mind though."Alyssa told the Professor before taking a position alongside the other students. She looked at what they were doing and looked at Mr. Murdoch who was standing at the other end of the room. She first focussed on the spell and what she wanted it to do. Then she screwed up her face and stared at Mr. Murdoch focusing her full attention on him.
Taking out her wand, she pointed it at him and said, "VERDIMILLIOUS" sending a green line of sparks flying towards Mr. Murdoch....and it looked like it was actually going to make contact!! "LOOK OUT MR. MURDOCH!! DUCK!!" Alyssa yelled out a warning. Poor Mr. Murdoch this would be the second time in one day that she was yelling out a warning to him.
"Oh no, I don't mind at all."
He was grinning now, feeling quite optimistic that he wasn't going to be hit with the spell anytime soon. Still though, he wouldn't mind if the other students decided to give him sweets afterwards. For all his troubles and stuff.
Too busy with his thoughts about sweets, he didn't notice Alyssa point her wand at him until he heard her yelling. Duck. Duck? Duck!? His eyes immediately searching the room for Daichi, the boy had said he was duck boy earlier in the class, and well, there were ducks on the grounds, Waylon realized all too late that Alyssa was telling him
to duck. Why couldn't people be more specific?
"Ow." No really, OW! Grasping the shoulder that the Hufflepuff's spell had grazed, he shot a glance in Medea's direction.
"That really stings."
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Jory didn't feel too good about having to aim the spell at Mr. Murdoch. "What if something went wrong?'' he wondered to himself.
But shaking is nervousness away, the Puff aimed at the Groundskeeper. "Here we go, Mr Murdoch,'' he said. Tracing his wand in circles, Jory exclaimed, "Verdimillious!"
Nothing happened.
"Er, that didn't go as planned,'' he said felling quite embarrassed. When would he get a hang of these spells?
Since he was hit once, Waylon was more than ready to get the heck out of the classroom. Wasn't the lesson over yet? He was sure that thirty minutes had passes already.
Of course, it could have just been the PAIN talking, and even though the Defense Professor had said she had cream for the stings, he was already thinking about taking a trip to the Hospital Wing to get checked out by Cece. He really hadn't seen her since the start-of-term feast. Yes, he would go and see her. Tearing his thoughts away from all the PAIN he was in, Waylon turned to Jory who was taking aim next. He couldn't have been anymore relieved that nothing happened. His shoulder hurt already.
"No worries! Try again."