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Perhaps the grounds was the worst place for a Professor to keep an office. All this time he thought Williamson had overreacted without a reason...
It was obvious Treyen was NOT sitting down. The less time he could have with Vindictus the better. Plus, if the grounds were the ones that made you crazy, then he'd rather stay in the Castle, with...Scabior? That other option wasn't too appealing, but at least the man didn't talk much.
Er...wait, what? "I'm not Dominic." What Dominic was he talking about, though? He didn't know any Dominic at Hogwarts, by the way. At least not in Hufflepuff, and he was wearing Hufflepuff robes, mind you. Maybe it wasn't the grounds, but WWW was getting to Vindictus. Either that, or his age. Poor man.
No wonder Simon wanted to give him a walking stick.
OUCH. That hurt. The Ravenclaw Captain part. Soft spot, no doubt. "Mmhmm, I heard." And then he forgot everything. Whatever he'd come here for. Plus, he knew Vindictus had said something else but his mind didn't process it. "Er, what did you say?"
"Ellie took a Bludger during practice and is now resting in the hospital wing," replied Vindictus.
"Do you think she'd purposely miss a game? The entire team is still shaken over the incident. I'm surprised you didn't know about it. Perhaps the stress of being Head Boy and preparing for your NEWTs made you forget, Mr. Denton."
He leaned back in his chair.
"Tell me, have you noticed your head of house acting rather, ahem, fidgety, in these past few weeks?"