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Damon smiled at her, "I still tell you I don't know what you're talking about." He smirked. Looking at Maxwell, when she was gone, "Okay, I know you don't like me Max; and I know you don't like the fact Taylor hangs out with me. But I am her friend. No matter what." He finally glared at him, his green eyes catching the light in the perfect way that made them shimmer, somehow making the glare even worse.
As Taylor left Maxwell let himself become as tense as he felt on the inside. "I don't care that you're friends with her, she's entitled to friends and i wouldn't think to tell her who to hang out with anyway. What i don't like is that you're in love with her. Or at least you think you are, but you're too much of a coward to tell her that, you're too scared to get rejected." He said his eyes slowly turning darker and more red. "I will put up with you for her sake, but don't think i'll ever have my guard down when i'm around you."