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Old 03-18-2012, 09:43 AM   #257 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Originally Posted by Gabrielle View Post
The goo had stopped spurting everywhere after a spell that Kurumi had cast at it. She stepped through the sticky goo to the front of the class and took a fluffy towel wiping the goo from herself. As she did so she noticed Kurumi's appearance with the purple powder and goo covering her. The badger let out a small giggle. She let her hair out and glanced at a strand that was... stained purple? "This won't be permanent? Will it professor?" Her blonde hair was just fine thank you. She didn't have any urges to dye he rhair purple.
She didn't quite know if it was permanent or not, even if she inspected it a little closer. "I'm not sure." she muttered, staring at the purple for a moment before standing up straight. "Even if it was, I'm sure your potions professor vould know of something that could fix it."

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Removing the rest of the goo from her robes and face, Kurumi inspected herself and tried to see if there were any areas that were...still gooey.

Kurumi was a little relieved when Professor Romanos said that the towels were not a big deal...but she was pretty sure that the stains on the wall and purple trail would be. "I...I can help clean up the mess," she blushed. She HAD caused it and it seemed like using magical means was out.
The mess...

Now that she looked around the room, there was indeed quite a mess, and not just from the goo either. "No, it's alright." she shook her head and looked back to the Gryffindor girl. "I don't know vot some of this stuff is and I'd rather you not get hurt in the process."

In case it was all reactive against certain spells and whatnot.

They probably had thirty minutes, maybe a little more, before the class ended. Most so far wanted to do the activity, which was fine with her. "Like I've said, I've hidden a number of items out in the first floor corridor with the bedazzling hex, and you are to use the Verdimillious spell to try and find them. If you bring them back to me, you can grab a few extra points for your house. There are equal items out there for each house, and they are of course, colored the house's color, so if you come across an object that you know doesn't represent your house, leave it be."

"Also, if I catch the fact that you skipped out on class early or are using any spell other than Verdimillious, you will be losing house points. I expect all of you to be back here at the end of the lesson relatively unhurt; items vith you or not. Othervise, you better have a very good excuse. Other than that, you can go ahead...The items are only on the first floor corridor. Don't stray elsewhere."

"As for those who vont to practice the offensive nature of the spell, Mr. Murdoch here vill be helping us...vith target practice." Really, she really really owed him for this. Glancing towards him, she gave a quick smile before moving on. "You all know the incantation, Verdimillious, yet to achieve this side of the spell, the vand movement is quite different. A lot less elaborate I guess you could say. All you do, is point your vand at your target, and say the incantation. For example. Verdimillious." She pointed her wand at the invisible chest. A green line of sparks shot from her wand before surrounding the chest, snap, crackling, and popping around it for a moment before disappearing.

"It's effects can be quite effective in dueling to buy you some time. It mostly feels like little stings and pinches, making the skin become quite sensitive. So umm..." Medea glanced towards the groundskeeper. "Mr. Murdoch here vill let you know if you're doing it right. Like I said, if you do happen to be hit, I do have a cream here that'll help soothe the sensitivity."

For those who are doing the activity, you can start RPing in the First Floor Corridor, and make sure to check back here regularly to see an up-to-date list on what's been found and what hasn't! For those who are practicing the spell, aim for Mr. Murdoch! Hehe. Don't worry, a tough groundskeeper like him can handle it. maybe. Reminder, this class will end around late Monday (19th) or Tuesday (20th).

SPOILER!!: Activity Items

Last edited by Roselyn; 03-19-2012 at 07:05 PM.
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