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Tay's face soften and she kissed MAxwell on the cheek. "Ok." She smiled then glared at Damon, "Damon, don't be rude please." To MAxwell, "Thanks for the roses. They brighten up my day." Taylor smiled at him.
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Damon just looked away, Oh, the roses... Let's see if he'll be honest here. Damon knew the answer, he would take credit for something he didn't do. "I wouldn't of minded at all if you had just come and joined us waiting for your friend." Damon said in a calm tone. I don't mind a few nasty words, just hopefully no punchs, though Damon had a feeling that's the way it was going.
Maxwell pretty much ignored what Damon had to say.
'He feels like getting me in trouble? I think i'll win this game. I am as crafty as a fox. He wants to make me sweat? Make me nervous? let's see how he likes it.' "I didn't send any roses, although it's a good idea. But roses are so... Typical, I think you deserve something brighter." he said smiling. "But it seems you have a secret admirer. Doesn't it?" he said raising an eye-brow and looking at Damon to whom the question was directed.