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"It's getting easier," he said, looking at her and smiling. "Thanks." It was nice to find someone who knew, at least a little, what it was like. He tapped his fingers on his legs as she talked, looking away and nodding as she talked about what it was like at Hogwarts.
"It's weird being the new kid and this awkward," he confessed. He had been wondering if it would have been easier if he came at 11 when everyone was new. "I mean, everyone already has their groups."
But her laugh and her wink made him feel better. Maybe he did have a friend, now, after all. "It would be a good study break," he said, nodding and thinking about when would be good. But, then, he thought of something..
"You were on your way somewhere when I got in your way. Have I been keeping you?"
Kurumi's smile winded a bit and her shoulders relaxed more, allowing her hair to fall a little more loosely over them. "
That's good," she nodded. Really, she was glad to hear that. It was always nice to know that people were finding their place. There was so much confusion in life, so a little consistency was fantastic - especially when it came to social anxiety. "
If...you ever need help, you know, with that...let me know, okay?" She said as she turned her face towards him a little more. "
And I don't mean that because I am a prefect."
She simply nodded at his next comment and tugged on the collar of her shirt for a moment. "
True, but on the flip side of that, groups shouldn't be exclusive and not allow other people in." That was her take on the whole group dynamic anyway.
Kurumi clapped her hands together, excited that that decision had been made. She did enjoy making sweet things, even if eating them was not exactly on the top of her to do list. Banana boats seemed rather exciting and, well, the Gryffindor was always eager to try new things.
Wait....uh? Oh, right she had been on her way somewhere... "
I...actually don't remember where I was going," she laughed, eyeing her bag. "
So I suppose it really wasn't all that important." All she really remembered was that she had been planning on studying and that she just didn't want to be in the common room. "
I...can go though." Since he had mentioned he liked the seclusion of this particular part of the castle and didn't want to intrude on him.