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Old 03-17-2012, 10:32 PM   #87 (permalink)
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

SPOILER!!: Indyyyy
Originally Posted by RachieRu View Post
Oooh. Spikey was here. Indy beamed, finishing her little dance around her broom, and picking it back up. "My moves are awesomee." Of course they were. This was obviously her victory dance. Now they just neeed to win the next game and she could do it again. Yay. "You tooo...." Indy giggled, grinning up at her big brother. "You know....apart from that yellow card." That hadn't been too good. But oh well. They'd still won.

"And we wonn! And it was our first game together!! And we woon." And yaaay. That was cool. Andd lookie. Vashti and Max were here too. "Well done guys." Could she hug Max too? Maybe their keeper could have a hutchinson sibling hug? That would be nice.

But....then the Gryffindor Captain was kind of shouting at them. "Spikey...." The second year kind of hid behind her brother a little. "Why is she shouting at us?" You know. The ravenclaws?

He laughed. She was too cute right now, and he was really proud of her. Especially after her last match. Alongside his 'excited we won' face, he had 'I'm a uber proud older brother' face. He rolled his eyes as she mentioned the yellow card. "I got a bit excited," he said sheepishly. "I missed matches and practice and forgot myself." Oops. "I have to say though, this broom is amazing. No wonder Finn has one!"

Hehe. "Here's to more of the same, right? More playing together, and more winning!" He grinned. Maybe with both of them doing well, their parents would let them convert part of the garden for practice?

"Er, I don't know actually..." he said, turning to look at the Gryffie Captain. "I guess she's not happy at missing out on the Championship?" Understandable, really. Losing wasn't a nice feeling, especially when the Championship was at stake. But Seekers usually took some sort of injury. Just cos it was a firstie, didn't really matter.

SPOILER!!: Cutie Lana
Originally Posted by DH Vixen View Post
Oh my! Lana pulled back as she watching Vashti close in on the snitch and then it was all over. All she saw was the golden ball in the hand of their seeker and Head Girl. Then the booming voice of Vindictus pulled her back to reality.

They had won!!!!!! They really just won! She was in shock! It felt kind of like a dream. The sound of Ellie's voice was with her the whole match and she had been pushing herself to play thrice as hard since the opening whistle. They actually did it though. They were going to the Championship! She couldn't wait to tell Ellie about it. They did it all for her and she would be so proud of them.

Hoping off her broom once she was back on the pitch safely, she ran for Vashti and Max. "Oh my! You guys were so awesome!" she beamed as she nearly tackled them both in a hug. Her tiny body wasn't enough to topple them, but she hugged them both something fierce. "Ellie's gonna be so proud of you guys." Thoughts of Ellie up in the castle since filled her mind again and they needed to tell her about this as soon as they could. Letting going of her older teammates, she offered them a tiny giggle and smile before she turned to see her other team mates. Indy was dancing a bit and she could help but join in for a moment before she set her sights on Spike!

Seeing him, she ran again and tackled him with a hug! "Spike! You were great too!"

Everyone was great! Ellie was really going to be super proud of her team and seriously, Lana couldn't wait to get back to their captain and celebrate. She had heard that 'Claw parties were something epic.

Talking of firsties, one just tackled him! His grinned as he looked down to see a Lana. It was reminiscent of him and Finn and Jimmy during his first matches. "Watcha Lana!" he said, wrapping his other arm round her. "Awesome Chasing up there!" Considering they'd had so little practice together, he reckoned they did a pretty awesome job at late notice. "Couple of stunning goals..."

SPOILER!!: Seeker Vashti!
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
Vashti broke out of her little trance when she suddenly heard Max calling her. She just managed to land - she was already close to the ground anyway, she realized - when he suddenly hugged her. Best...what? "I'm not the best Seeker in the school though," she said with a shake of her head. "Ellie is." And she was sure Max would agree with that. Speaking of which, they definitely needed to go see her as soon as they got out of here. "But thanks." She did appreciate that he thought Ellie would be proud of her. And that he was. "You were brilliant too, as always."

Then Spike came over. Merlin, it was nice having him on the pitch again. The banner? "Oh yes, what a shame," she replied with a small laugh and smile. She also smiled at Indy as she said they had done well, though was caught off-guard when Lana suddenly threw herself at them. She recovered quickly though and returned the hug. "You were awesome too," Vashti told her. "You all were," she directed that at the whole team - even over to the Gryffindors because they too had played well.

He'd have hugged Vashti, but Spike's arm were currently occupied by icklies. Instead he gave her a wave and a knowing look at Indy and Lana. "I mean, you could have at least wrecked the Slythie one..." he said with a smirk. "The Huffie one would have been better...then there's be more blue for the Championship match. Though, maybe we could take the ripped Ravvie one as a souvenir? Like for the Celebration Party tablecloth or something?" Hehe. "You were still awesome though."

SPOILER!!: Stressy Capt, Trav, Indyyy and Lanaaaa

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
Selina was furious with the Ravenclaws. Yay! Congrats! They won! How great, but the fact of the matter was that there was a serious problem. Someone was hurt, seriously hurt on the Pitch, and no one cared a lick about whether or not the person was hurt or not. Selina was almost certain that whenever another person was hurt on the opposing team she was always the first person to ask if they were okay. It was human decency. Consideration. None of which Ravenclaw seemed to have at the moment.

When her Seeker who had FALLEN FROM THE SKY was taken care of and in the hospital wing she would be the first person to congradulate the Ravenclaws on their win. They had played marvelously, but the fact of the matter was that they were being selfish pricks and leaving an eleven year old out in the dust.

"I am talking to you," Selina affirmed, "You fould, odious birds. An eleven year old is hurt and you want to know where the party is? What kind of selfish dragon DUNG is that? You know what... congrats on your win. Really... you can all go and on and pretend that ANYA is FINE!"
Originally Posted by Walrus View Post
Trav watched the whole scene from the sky... still feeling rather sick after being put into the position so suddenly. But they had won, and he had little to be nervous about...

Well at least until the Gryffindor captain began to yell.

Ooops. Wait... was he supposed to do something. He had never really paid any attention to how Ellie had dealt with these kind of situations in the past. With out a word, he quickly landed... As acting captain, he was supposed to do something, but what?

He walked quietly over to where the Gryffindor Captain was yelling. "Uhmm... ma'am" he said rather shyly... his stomach was not being happy right now. What was he supposed to say... calm your moustache-less face...? that wouldn't work.

Trav looked around hoping Vindictus would interject.

"I'm sorry, but we did just win..." he said trying to explain why they were celebrating, and why she was the girls captain and should deal with it. "and... and..." Trav could feel his stomach giving into the nervous pressure.

Travis let out a burp... but there was no sound other than a SPLASH!

Oh... oh no... He wasn't supposed to puke on the captain was he?
Originally Posted by RachieRu View Post
Waaiiit. That captain was really shouting at them now. Indiana frowned, stepping away from her brother. "Thats not very nice!" At all. How ruddee. They had just won of course they were allowed to celebrate. "We just won, we can celebrate if we want." Duhh. Of course they were gonna celebrate. "And yeah. We know Anya's hurt. We can see. But our Captain is already in the hospital wing, so trust me we know about injures thank you verrry much." Indiana had no idea where this sudden burst of confidence had come from really. But she really did not like being shouted at her.

Now shouldn't this annoying captain go and look after her poor little hurted seeker instead of you know, shouting at them. Cause that was totally not very nice at all. Now. Go away. Hmm. Indy folded her arms, offering the Gryffindor captain a smile. Yup. The captain had better not shout anymore. Oh and Trav was there now. And he was puking over the gryffindor captain. Oh dear. "Trav...Are you okay?" The second year kind of wanted to go closer. But didn't really wanted to be sicked upon. So she remained where she was. For now anyway.
Originally Posted by DH Vixen View Post
Lana blinked and stepped back coving her little ears. She wasn't one to judge a group as a whole, but she was seriously starting to dislike this whole house of Lions. All the yelling about how they hurt someone. The last time she checked, their team hadn't forced anyone to fly into anything.

Glancing over at where all the more caring and respectful Gryffies were, she winced as she saw their seeker. She did hope she was okay but having their captain berate them wasn't going to really help anything. "Maybe you should be more concerned with getting the hospital wing than yelling at us!" Yes, she was upset about what happened but being a meanie head wasn't going to make the seeker better.

Narrowing her eyes, she scowled and turned to her fellow team mates. "Maybe we should head to the hospital wing as well. We do have a knocked out and half-conscious captain to check on." Seriously, like they didn't know anything about how having injuries on their team meant to the team as a whole.

He rolled his eyes at the Captain. Honestly, this was quidditch. Injuries happened. Even to first years. Spike should know. He got knocked about enough in his first year, and ended up almost blinded after his first Championship match. There was a simple solution...Hospital Wing and sleep.

Kudos to Trav for his efforts to calm the situation though. And then... Merlin, did Trav?

Spike wrinkled his nose. Ewwwww. He edged away, and as his did so, noticed his two hug!buddies were joining in. Especially his little sis. Whoa girly! Since when did she shout back like that? Except to him? Indy was right of course, they had a Captain to worry about.

"Lana's right," he said softly. "Let Prof V sort out the Gryffs, we need to let Ellie know the good news." If Ellie would let them get them far...somehow he didn't think she'd appreciate them telling her they'd played without her. Even if it was for her own good.
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