Who Am I? Ern's 2460FUN
Selina was furious with the Ravenclaws. Yay! Congrats! They won! How great, but the fact of the matter was that there was a serious problem. Someone was hurt, seriously hurt on the Pitch, and no one cared a lick about whether or not the person was hurt or not. Selina was almost certain that whenever another person was hurt on the opposing team she was always the first person to ask if they were okay. It was human decency. Consideration. None of which Ravenclaw seemed to have at the moment.
When her Seeker who had FALLEN FROM THE SKY was taken care of and in the hospital wing she would be the first person to congradulate the Ravenclaws on their win. They had played marvelously, but the fact of the matter was that they were being selfish pricks and leaving an eleven year old out in the dust. "I am talking to you," Selina affirmed, "You fould, odious birds. An eleven year old is hurt and you want to know where the party is? What kind of selfish dragon DUNG is that? You know what... congrats on your win. Really... you can all go and on and pretend that ANYA is FINE!"
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