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Old 03-17-2012, 09:06 PM   #73 (permalink)
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

Spike pouted at the yellow card. He'd just a bit excitedddd. It'd been wayyyyy too long since he'd last been on the pitch, and he'd seen the quaffle and wanted in! Ah well, he'd still had a pretty good game, and might still get some more yet.

And then, as he turned on his broom and leant forward to get moving again, he saw the seekers head on into the fabric hangings. He strained to see what was happening... And then out of the Ravenclaw banner...came a Ravenclaw, snitch in hand!


Speeding to the ground, Spike had a massive smile across his face as he looked for the other 'Claws. Indy had already landed, and he smoothly jumped down next to her. "Smooth moves," he commented on her dancing with a small chuckle and bounce of his curls. "And nice work up there." He winked, and wrapped his arm round her shoulders. Yay, Hutchinson sibs!

"Hey, Vashti...nice work. Shame about ripping our banner though, huh?" He laughed. "And Max, awesome job infront of the hoops."
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