Originally Posted by
Colley ♥
Taryn wondered if it was marginally possible that Auggie might see her cheering for him? Hehe. Probably not, but she wanted him to know that she was THERE and CHEERING. Her thoughts were interrupted when she noticed a slightly shifty looking, slightly nervous looking boy plop beside her.
"Who are you rooting for?" She asked, leaning just a little closer so he could actually hear her over the sound of everyone ELSE cheering.
Emrys nearly jumped out of his skin as he turned to the voice as saw the girl leaning in at him.
He stared at her mutely for several moments, trying to figure out why she was talking to him, not really having registered what she said. When it finally dawned on him, he bumbled over himself, stringing together a few sounds that didn't really make a word before finally spitting it out..
"RavenclawIguess," he mushed together.
He turned back to the match, before it occurred to him that social protocol dictated he inquire. He turned back to her, not meeting her eyes.