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With these green orbs everywhere, it won't be a surprise if he was going to see everything in green. He should have brought along his sunglasses. Who knew they could get colour blindness? Tracing a circular shape in the air with his wand once again, the boy with the messy hair spoke the incantation softly. "Verdimillious..." Another green orb was formed until he saw a man standing at the door.
"Oh! Hello there, Mr Groundsman! What brings you here?" And there went his orb... Vanished!
Mr. Goundsman?
Was it that hard to say grounds
keeper? Lucky for Hades, Waylon was too busy trying to keep his eyes on all those floating green orb things to bother correcting him. But if he said groundsman again..
Moving into the classroom a little faster now, there
were those floating green orb things moving all over the classroom, he was not going to be blamed if somehow one of them left the room and made its way into the hallway, Waylon gave the Slytherin a shrug of his shoulders at his question. He had absolutely no idea what he was doing there, he probably did at one time, but he may have forgotten. He wasn't going to say that, though.
"It's a surprise." In other words, they were going to find out together.
SPOILER!!: Stella!
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Honestly, after finding out she'd been wrong about the spell Professor Romanos had been asking about, Stella had remained quiet for the rest of the class discussion. She'd been prepared for the possibility, but being wrong still felt weird. Therefore, she'd simply started taking notes on everything being discussed, making sure to get every last detail of the spells noted down for later. Even if they were going to be practicing, she wanted to make sure her notes were detailed in case this ended up on exams. Plus, there was always having the notes for later, in case she needed any of the three spells for anything. She wasn't planning on encountering dark objects, but they could come in useful for other situations too.
As they'd been instructed to spread out, she had moved to an empty corner, making sure she could still see the empty space that had now been identified as a chest with a Bedazzing hex placed upon it. If she focused enough, she could almost pretend she could see it as she went over the incantation in her mind. Verdimillious, she repeated silently a few times, imagining the wand movement even as she left her wand loose in her hand. It wouldn't go very well if she wasn't cure she could cast the spell after all, which was evident as orbs started flying around the room. Some of them connected with the target, but others were all over the place. After a few more silent practices, though, she lifted her wand. Time to try it herself.
Circling her wand above her head like instructed, she slowly repeated the incantation. "Verdimillious...," and she glanced upward to see the little green orb had formed. So far she seemed alright. All she had left was to try and hit the chest. Preparing to release, make the slashing movement required for the orb to leave her wand, she got halfway through it when she heard someone else enter the room and turned to see who was speaking to the professor only to accidentally finish the slashing movement and send her orb flying at the new groundskeeper. Eeep!, she thought, eyes widening as she hoped it missed. "I'm sorry, monsieur Groundskeeper, sir," she said finally, turning pink as she realized how close she'd come to her first disaster in a Hogwarts class.
Perhaps he should have been moving into the classroom quicker so he wouldn't get hit with one of those floating green orb things instead of moving in quicker because one of those floating green orb things could have somehow escaped into the hallway. Waylon would have liked the room a little better with a few less orbs.
Especially after he was.. well, hit with one.
He had just shut the classroom door and started making his way over to Medea near the windows when he spotted the orb heading in his direction. At first he thought the orb would just disappear, like a few he had noticed did, but as the thing got nearer and nearer, he realized it was not going to and his instincts kind of took over. Stopping in his tracks, Waylon pressed himself up against the wall and shut his eyes tight, waiting for the FULL impact of the orb to hit him. Only.. nothing hit him. Unless you count that little bit of heat on the side of his face
hitting him.
Opening his eyes, he gingerly touched the side of his face that was hit, and after knowing that his face was
fine, he scouted out the girl who had cast that
dangerous orb.
"No worries, no worries!" As if she pressed herself up against the wall in a scared manner.
"I'm fine!"
Just sliiiightly embarrassed.
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Daichi tried to practise again and circled his wand above his head. But as he circled it, he suddenly heard a voice coming from somewhere to his right. Having the feeling it was talking to him he looked to see Kurumi giggling.
His cheeks flushed red and he halted his circling for a moment. "I-I-I knew that!" he stuttered and had to refrain from pouting his lips.
Turning his attention back to the chest and spell, he circled his wand again and said "Verdimillious!". He looked up to see the orb of light at the tip of the wand and smirked before slashing it downwards like a sword. The light traveled towards the direction of the chest aaaaaaaaaand.
Hit the wall behind it.
Groaning, Daichi began to circle his wand again "verdimillious!" he shouted and an orb of light came out of the wand but then he saw in the corner of his eyes that the door was opening. Hehehe late student! He hoped it wasn't a Slytherin though... Daichi lowered his wand and leaned a bit backwards so that he was standing very awkwardly and saw that it was not a late student but the groundskeeper.
"Hiiiii Mr.Murdoch!" he greeted him from the far back and waved his hands at the man. Big mistake since he had already down half the part of the spell and now the orb of light was shooting at a random direction in class towards the students...
Straightening out his shirt, as if he didn't just get scared out of his wits in front of a whole classroom full of students, Waylon continued his journey over to Medea.. only to stop, once again, in his tracks. Just this time, it was because Daichi. Who had just sent his orb thing flying around the classroom.. Thank Merlin it wasn't flying anywhere near him this time, Defence class was dangerous.
"Hey, Daichi!" Waylon gave the boy a wave back and a
look that tried to tell him just how dangerous the class was. The Slytherin would probably just think he was sick instead.
SPOILER!!: Amelia & Kurumi!
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Squishy ?
With a sigh, Amelia went to try the spell again. She raised her want over her head and made the circular wand movement while saying, "Verdimillious!" She watched the orb form again and then slashed it towards the chest and watched it hit... but then go out. Clearly it wasn't strong enough. :/
About to try the spell again, Amelia was stopped right in the middle of her circular movement by the Groundskeeper. Curiosity raised, she lowered her wand. "Hello, Murdoch!" She wondered what he was doing here in the lesson right now. Surely it wasn't just to watch them attempt the spell.
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Oh Daichi, trying so hard to be grown up when it was his innocence and kindness that were his charm points. Kurumi simply winked in Daichi's direction to try not to draw more attention to the fact that he had let his love of ducks make him look adorable when he wanted to be cool.
She should probably get back to practicing her spellwork anyway. Spreading out a bit more again, Kurumi repeated the wand movement, making somewhere around six before slashing forward with her wand. "Verdimillious!"
A green orb glided out of her wand rather sluggishly and certainly with nowhere near the same grace as Professor Romanos' had been.
Kurumi didn't see where her orb hit, which ended up being just short of the chest and illuminated the floor like spilled florescent paint, and was distracted when someone entered the classroom.
Please don't let it be a Gryffin---oh! "Good day, Mr. Murdoch," she greeted with a polite bow. Had he figured out what to do with all those unclaimed prizes? Or were those somehow going to be involved in today's lesson. Or....was there some sort of budding something between him and Professor Romanos? Recently, the professors had seemed just as bad as students. The Headmaster should give them detention for brewing love where they ought not to.
But then, something green was zooming in her direction and Kurumi was just in time to hit the deck to avoid it crashing into her.
But the same couldn't be said for one of her Gryffindors.
Jumping back up to her feet, Kurumi took a peek around for any other floating orbs that might be around before she scurried over to Ira. Getting hit in the nose was always the worst. "You alright?"
Now Waylon was more than positive that he should have made his way into the classroom just before the class started. It was almost as if his arrival was the reason why those orbs were floating around all crazy-like. He was like some sort of distraction!
And he didn't think that was what Medea wanted him there for.
Walking once more, quite intent on not stopping for anymore reasons, Waylon gave a smile and a finger waggling wave to Amelia and Kurumi as he made his way passed them. Nope, he wasn't going to distract them with talking.
Plus, they both were busy.
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Watching for any other potential green orbs that could come her way for the time being, contemplating scooting to the back of the class so she could keep an eye on everyone without the possibility of green all up in her vision, she turned and glanced towards the door as the creaking noise of it opening reached her ears.
Oh! Waylon had finally arrived. She was beginning to think he wouldn't show...
"Not at all." she smiled, gesturing him to come inside. Or at least at a quicker pace than what he was doing. A snail could crawl faster. Oh look! Random orb headed his way.
Finally reaching Medea, and subtlety hiding behind her in case of anymore rogue orbs, the woman knew how to take care of them after all, Waylon gave her a nod of his head when she said he wasn't late. Which meant that he was not there just for target practice.
"Oh, good." he said, and leaning up against the windowsill as well, he folded his arms across his chest.
"Just, you know, let me know when I'm needed." Grin.
Until then, he'd be looking out for any green orbs. And red ones..