nooooo kurumiiiiii noooooo Granddaddy Ravenclaw | | Jermione Granger
Oh. No. It was Kurumi that was the object of the Gryffindor boy's adoration. This was bad. BAD. Emrys felt his cheeks burn as she got closer and he couldn't tell if it was the attraction spell or just his own screwy awkward feelings and insecurities. As she ran to him, he stepped to the side so she could slip behind him and he tried desperately not to really look at her, as if not making eye contact would prevent the attraction from taking hold. "You.. you have to s-s-.." He tried to get out what he meant as the niffler following the girl ran over his foot. But instead of 'slap' what came out was anything but. "You have to stay. Right here with me," he said instead, his voice slipping into a dreamier cadence as he turned to face her, smiling. He reached for her hand and took it in his. "I'll keep him away from you."
Merlin help that Gryffindor boy if he tried to get too close to his Kurumi.
Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind You can float across a rainbow sky
to once upon a time |