No Touchy! ♥ demented_teacher Quote:
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill Huh?!? Thrilled?, Gwendolyn repeated in her head. Did he just say ‘thrilled’? Out of all the reactions she thought Professor Vindictus might have, she wouldn’t have guessed he would say that. ‘Thank you’, the Ravenclaw replied as she took the brochure. Looking at it, Gwen read the main headings and realized it could be really helpful.
As she listened to the Professor talk, Gwen nodded. The thing about the classes wasn’t something new to her. And it wasn’t a problem either. Potions was her favorite subject… Charms and Transfiguration were also all right aaand Herbology—Meh, she'll have time to work on her skills.
After glimpsing back at the brochure, the third year decided to get it all out now. ‘I find this very useful… but… ummm… I was also thinking about the practical part. I have only practiced a few healing charms so far, actually. And I’m not sure what I should do’ There. "You might want to ask the other professors about what spells you're allowed to practice," suggested Vindictus.
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