Thread: Rookwood Manor.
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Old 03-15-2012, 09:24 PM
Schroyers Schroyers is offline
Default Rookwood Manor.

Originally Posted by Rookwood Manor
This is the home of School RPG character Maxwell Rookwood, In London with the front door on the muggle side of Diagon Alley and the back door on the Wizarding side. It's a Large Home that's been charmed to look like an ordinary small town-home on the outside. With multiple floors room and moving paintings it's a great place for an adventure or two.


Characters: Maxwell Rookwood, Ariana Logan, Jordan Macey, Taylor McInryre, Tabatha Evans and possibly more.

Plot: This is the summer before Maxwell's third year at Hogwarts and his sister Tabatha's first year at Beauxbaton. They're determined to have a fun and adventurous summer.

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