Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna After a couple more attempts at the spell, Gideon had improved in his control of the green orbs they were all casting. The 5th year even managing to get his own orb to hit the base of the chest. About to cast once more, he paused as Professor Romanos called for their attention once more. A slightly different...stronger spell was next on the agenda for the lesson and he paid attention as it was taught.
Now he only had to decide if he was satisfied with his previous spell and ready to move on. 'Verdimillious...' he cast one last time for practice sake, circling his wand once above his head before sending it off to the chest once it was formed and ready. It hit the chest once more showing Gideon he was probably done for now. to move on.
The new spell sounded the same other then the added three-letter word at the end. Duo and tria....two and three he believed which seemed like degrees of difficulty on the original spell. "Verdimillious Duo...Ver-dimillious Du-o...Ver-di-mil-lious Du-o," he mused quietly, his wand safe at his side as he got the incantation right. He slowed it down as directed so he would be more likely to remember to draw it out. When Gideon felt he was ready to give it an actual try, he took a deep breath and raised his wand above his head. "Ver-di-mil-li-ous Du-o" the Gryffindor cast, his wand hand moving in a slow, drawn out circle as he spoke the incantation. A reddish brown orb started to form but as he want to throw it, it faded causing him to frown. Obviously not quite right.
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