post 5 - success! Granddaddy Ravenclaw | | Jermione Granger
Emrys beamed and, with just a flutter of nerves in his gut, stuck out his hand and set it gently on the niffler's back. Two hesitant, long strokes along the creatures spine was enough petting, he imagined, as he felt the creature's breathing vibrate against his hand, almost like a kitten's purr.
It gave him goosebumps.
He drew back his hand a bit, but the niffler headbutted it, almost forcing the petting to continue. Emrys obliged, and wrinkled his nose in thought. He had to get the bauble. Against his better judgment, Emrys set his wand on the table and used his now free hand to coax the shiny out of the niffler's paws, with he kept petting it. Once the trinket was securely in his hand, the petting stopped and Emrys stepped back from the table.
The niffler simply sat, but Emrys thought he looked a little sad to be deprived of both his glitter and his attention. One last bit to do to complete the task. Taking his wand back into his hand, Emrys extended the trinket, fingers wrapped tightly around it and presented it to the niffler.
Still wary, Emrys wondered if he'd lose a finger in the process, but the niffler simply walked up to it and made no movement to steal it. Smiling, Emrys lowered his wand and exhaled. Task complete, he left the trinket on the table for the niffler to claim and gave it a final pat on the head.