The points from the second Care of Magical Creatures Lesson have been added and I just want to say first and foremost, that I couldn't be prouder of how hard you're all working!! We've jumped to now a 500 point lead in first, but the last three weeks (four?) are imperative we continue to strive to keep our lead.
There's no saying that those Eagles might try to steal the lead from us with the end-of-term assignments and I know you'd all be just as crushed as I would, if they succeeded. So keep doing what you're doing, and if you're not doing enough, then check out the Badger Notice Board with a list of currently active lessons and homework assignments!!! 
And without further ado, presenting the SEVEN Badgers to earn 15 or more points from Magical Creatures Lesson Two, plus an additional FOUR badgers earned 15 or more with their points combined from DADA (the original requirement):

Devina Wellheart
Squishy ♥
Remember though, we can't win with just these badgers alone. We need ALL Hufflepuffs to work together. Check out the first post in the
Notice Board thread for an update on how YOU can make this list and what
you can do to help keep our lead in the house cup race. Feeling overwhelmed? Try spending just 15-20 minutes a day toward completing some of the homework assignments. Take advantage of the
Hufflepuff Study Tables this term and motivate each other. Or motivate each other by sharing what it means to YOUR Character to
Be A Hufflepuff.
Keep up the good work, dear
rabid badgers!!!
And until next time, where if you've earned at least 10 on the Transfiguration Homework, then you may just find yourself making the list next time ....