Originally Posted by
AmbiguouslyMe Emrys snorted as she saluted. Clasping his hands over his mouth and nose, his eyes were wide. He hoped that she didn't think he was laughing at her, but he did not try to explain it away. Awk.ward.
Sliding down the wall to face the tapestry, he leaned his head against the cold stone and tilted it toward her as he talked. "Well, I suppose if you wanted to create some sort of oddity to draw attention, trolls trying to do something as elegant as dance could be humorous?" Emrys shrugged. That was his leading theory. Either that or Barnabas was pure bonkers.
"I am kinda curious how he kept them from bludgeoning him to death, though."
He snorted? What was the snort for? Had she said something funny? Maybe it was the salute? It was something that she had picked up from her brothers - but they were sort of weird anyway. Kurumi decided not to comment though. She wasn't really sure that she wanted to know the truth anyway. It would probably only make her more flustered.
Hmm...you do have a point," she said with a nod. "
Still, dragons roasting marshallows with their own fire could accomplish the same thing." Granted, marshmallows were not exactly an ancient delicacy so it was entirely likely that roasting marshmallows hadn't been 'invented' around the time this tapestry had been created.
Not THAT was a morbid thought. "
Yeah...one man and eight trolls...the odd clearly were not in his favor. Maybe he knew how to speak troll? " Which was rumored not to be very hard. "
Barnabas could have been a skilled magical multi-linguists." Which would be really really neat. Kurumi wished she could speak a magical tongue.