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His eyes were closed when he felt the bump against his bag and then his leg. They were open by the time he heard the girl hit the floor.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" Emrys shot up onto his knees and slid along the floor so that he was near where her head had landed. "Are you ok?"
He tapped her on the shoulder as the muggle first aid lady had taught him in the class his mother had made him take.
What else did he need to do? Was she breathing?
Oh merlin, oh merlin. Emrys' palms began to sweat as he waited to see whether the girl was ok, panic churning in his stomach.
The floor was...cold. Really cold. Shouldn't it be warmer considering that it was April now? Not that it really matter, she supposed.
Slowly, Kurumi pushed herself up off the floor and picked up a few of the books that had fallen out of her bag - mostly Care of Magical Creatures related - and dusted off her robes. "
N-N-No need for you to apologize," she said, already beginning her bowing routine, each one deeper than the previous. "
I-I should have been paying more attention to where I was going..."
Books back in her bag, Kurumi looked at the poor person she had tripped over. "
Are...you alright?" She had kind-of-sort-of just squished him after all.