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Old 03-12-2012, 08:38 PM   #135 (permalink)
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Here's the next chapter! Hope you enjoy! :rosie:

Chapter 18

I found myself in the hospital wing, with a simple cast on my arm and bandages around my head. I felt groggy, but I forced myself to lift my head. The room was of all white, and some Christmas decorations still hung from when we were all gone on holiday.

Charlie was lying in the bed next to me, leg broken. Tonks was across the aisle from us. She didn’t have any bandages or such things, but you can tell she was slightly in shock. A washcloth was on her forehead, and Jen was sitting next to her, holding it in place.

When she saw that I was awake, she smiled. “Good morning sleepy-head,” she teased me. “Are you feeling okay?”

I nodded. “Where’s Madam Pomfrey?” I questioned.

“Oh, Madam Pomfrey is in her office, but as soon as she hears you talking, she’s going to race right out here.”

I shook my head. I was still slightly dizzy. “What happened?”

But, right on cue, came out Madam Pomfrey. Her care-worn face was full of concern and, (was it?) anger.

“Well thank goodness you’re awake! Here’s some tea. I still can’t believe the nerve of children sometimes. Who’s idea was it for you four first years to go up to the Quidditch field, without supervision, without even permission? Quidditch; most dangerous sport in the world, and we have to play it here! What would you do without me?”

She said the last part as if she said it everyday. I smiled. She seemed to be one of those over-caring-motherly types. I liked that. As she poured me my tea, and forced me to eat some toast she repeated, “So who’s idea was it?”

I looked at Jen, and she looked back. What were we supposed to do? Jen glanced at Charlie. He was mumbling in his sleep. I knew what she was going to do, and I wish she wouldn’t. “It was me Madam Pomfrey. I thought it would be a good idea to try and teach Bandy how to play Quidditch. Please, don’t blame them Madam.”

She stared at her, and then smiled. “Thank you for speaking out so truthfully Miss Kulwiak. God bless you.”

And with that, she got up and left the room. Jen went back to her seat next to Tonks, and checked the washcloth. I stared at her. She seemed to look a little red. “What did you do that for?”

Jen smiled sheepishly. “Well, I couldn’t let Charlie get in trouble.
Besides, telling on him while he was unconscious just didn’t seem right.”

I grinned, but I decided to leave the subject. “So, um… what did happen anyway? After, you know, I kind of…”

“Passed out?” she ended for me.

“Yeah, that,” I mumbled.

“Umm… well, after you and Charlie became no help, no offense to you guys.”

“None taken.”

“Well, Hagrid came in, with Professor Ports. After having a couple of tries, he created a glimmering creature that came out of the end of his wand.”

“You don’t know what it was?”

“I was nearly passed out as well. Those dementors,” she shuddered. “They can do wicked stuff.”

I was taken aback. “Wait, did you say Professor Ports?” If anything, I would’ve suspected Professor Dumbledore, our Headmaster.

“Yes, I was rather surprised myself.” At this point, Charlie was stirring even more than before. Finally, his eyes slowly opened and he put his hand to his forehead. “Good morning everyone,” he mumbled.

Jen went cool. “Good afternoon. Ever thought of waking up in the morning?” I had only woken up about ten minutes before Charlie, and she was being much kinder to me than him.

He gave her an evil look after taking a look at the clock on his nightstand. “It’s only the afternoon by half an hour. Anyway, what the heck happened?”

We then told him the story, and eventually Tonks woke up and asked the same thing. So, for the third time, Jen had to tell the tale. She did not, however, speak of her taking the blame. But Charlie would find out soon. Very soon.

Then came in Professor Ports. His sad eyes wandered to each of our faces, except Tonks’. You can tell he just couldn’t look at Tonks’. “Hello children,” he said solemnly. “I am glad to see you are alright,” he didn’t look very glad at all. “But I must tell you that you will receive detentions for what you have done, and Miss Kulwiak, because you are the one behind your plan at the field, like you told Madam Pomfrey, you will receive double detention.” He then swiftly left, leaving us in silence.

I rolled my eyes and Tonks exclaimed, “That disgusting old man! After what he did to me by giving me this… this…” she waved her right hand, “He gives me detention! It’s his fault that dementor attacked us, but I can’t possibly understand why.”

“They’re ancestors of the Ringwraiths,” I muttered. “Jen knows of them. They fought to find the Ring of Power for their master, Sauron. Since yours is the next powerful Ring and it has returned, they want it. They’ll probably chase us down for the rest of the year.” I couldn’t believe even I understood what I had just said, but it was true. Dementors were ancestors of the Ringwraiths.

There was a long silence, until Charlie interrupted, “Well, that’s a happy thought.”

This comment hung in the air, and never seemed to leave us.

Last edited by XenoLongbottom; 03-17-2012 at 05:42 PM. Reason: grammar mistake :(
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