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Hogwarts RPG Name: Eino Uronen Sixth Year | ♛ Certified Pogrebin Hunter ♛ Lucki Minaj ☠ RAH RAH I'M A DUNGEON DRAGON ☠ Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light Evelyn nervously entered the Divination classroom. She'd read that the class was going to be about entrancing enchantments which seemed a little exciting. However, once Evelyn had a look at the professor, she definitely had the shock of her life.
The professor seemed to be..pink.  In fact, it was starting to look like even her face was pink..no, that wasn't possible. She mumbled "Hello professor" before she took a seat, her eyes on the desk. If she had another look at the woman, she was definitely going to start laughing. ”Hello, you sweet little boogy flavored jelly bean!” Poppy greeted after the ceremonious giggle. ”Oh, I would prefer if you called me Madam Poppy.” Then she lowered her voice. ”’Professor’ implies I’m actually working and I’m supposed to teach you something.” She shuddered. Quote:
Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe Emrys entered the room quietly, head down, bag slung over his shoulder. Searching for the most secluded table, his heart dropped a bit when he saw they were paired seats.
Slipping over to the table in the far back corner, he tugged on his robes as he settled into the chair. Digging his hand in his bag, he pulled out a book and quickly opened it, burying his nose in its pages. Her eyes then resumed scanning the room and they came across a Ravenclaw, no worst, a book-reading Ravenclaw. ”Ewwwwww, a book! Put it away!!! She ordered with one hand over her eyes and the other waving mindlessly at the boy. Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 Alyssa walked in a noticed the Professor sitting up front. This lady definitely liked her pinks. Alyssa hoped that the gift that she brought to welcome her to Hogwarts was the right choice. She slowly walked up to the Professor who seemed to be giggling at something or someone. Alyssa looked behind and all around her. She didn't see anything funny but she definitely wasn't going to tell this Professor that. So she took a big gulp and approached the Professor.
" Good day, Ma'am. Welcome to Hogwarts. I brought something for you as a welcome gift of sorts. I hope you like it." ' And even if you don't, please don't tell me.' Alyssa thought to herself as she handed the box containing a pink tea cup set over to the visiting Professor, before quickly taking a seat the furthest away from her. Poppy then saw another student walk in, but this one didn’t take a seat right away, it was walking towards her… with a box! Poppy’s eyes widened as she watched the girl walked towards her. ”Yeah, sure whatever…” Poppy said in response, eagerly waiting to receive her present. When the girl handed it to her, Poppy snatched the box from her hands, and tore it open like a rabid werewolf. ”Oh, it’s beautiful, darling! I love it!!!” She pinched the girl’s cheeks and gave her a tight hug. ”POINTS FOR… whatever house this girl is from!” Poppy placed her new pink tea cup set on the table and squeed one last time before turning her attention back to the room. Quote:
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu Honestly, Ellie didn't know why she was here.
She didn't need to know this stuff. She didn't want to know this stuff.
Maybe it was the fact that the lesson was being held in the Divination classroom that appealed to her. For the room had good memories of good people.
And one bad memory of a good person, but Ellie won't dwell on that. Instead, she walked in, squinting at the woman donned in an overwhelming amount of pink, forced a smile, and sat beside an unfamiliar kid. "Can I sit here?" But really, it was too late for the boy to say otherwise. Another girl walked in, giftless, but at least Poppy didn’t have to waste her breath on her, and Poppy liked not wasting her breath. Everyone else was like ‘hello’ and ‘welcome’ and Poppy was getting tired of replying to her already. She liked this one. Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict Selina yawned as she made her way down the corridor to enter the Divination classroom. Professors should have a suggestion box, honestly. The last thing Selina needed to do was get up early in the morning. If only she suggest later classes... she so would take advantage of the whole suggestion box thing.
But alas, there was no such box so she had to go to class, hence her feet hat were dragging her nearly two leagues behind herself. Then she plastered a smile on her face and entered the classroom, "Morning Ma'am." Then she took her seat. Morning? Poppy checked her watch, then giggled. This one had taken one too many bludgers to the head. They were so cute when they were disoriented and lost. Poppy smiled in returned. Quote:
Originally Posted by grangerfan8 Arya didn't know what this lesson would be about exactly, but she was hoping for something more exciting than the last few seminar lessons. The prefect ambled through the doorway up towards the front. "Hello." A smile was sent to the woman up front as she walk through the aisle.
This nice window seat would do for the seventh year. She made herself comfortable, taking a quick peek out the glass before looking around the classroom, absently fiddling around with the metal object in her pocket. Another girl walked in and made her way to the front of the classroom. Poppy knew what this meant, another present! She waited eagerly for the girl to approach her but she turned, and sat down! What kind of school is this, school for the homeless? Was everyone poor or something? Poppy rolled her eyes and resumed her giggling at the poor little students. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lockhartian Eh...PINK.
That was all he saw.
WHAT ON EARTH was Arya doing oh-so-close to the pink???!! It freaked him out, and almost made him whine to his Co-Prefect and have her sit as far away from the pink person up front...but...the giggling was too much, wasn't it? Not even Neptune giggled that much.
Regardless of whatever he thought Arya should be doing...he took the seat next to her. Why? Because if he needed protection from all the pink...then Arya would definitely protect him.
Hopefully. "Good day." He said, to the pink one up front as he took a seat. ”It would be better if you had brought me a present…” Poppy mumbled under her breath as she rolled her eyes again. ”ISN’T IT A WONDERFUL DAY!?” She then shouted, hoping to scare the living patronus out of him. Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ Amelia was really looking forward to another exciting lesson so she was rather surprised to see that everything was set up normally. Hopefully it would still be amazing despite that! Next, she turned her attention to the instructor and blinked. This woman was pink. And giggled a lot. It was a little unsettling, but she supposed the woman was nice if she giggled a lot. "Hello and welcome to Hogwarts," she said in a pleasant voice before going to find herself a seat. ”Hello little sweetie darling.” Poppy replied and giggled. Poppy didn’t need to be welcome to Hogwarts, though. She had attended Hogwarts just about sixty twenty years ago, after all. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie After seeing how pink the announcement on the Gryffindor notice board had been, Kurumi half expected the classroom to have been transformed into a pink paradise complete with frilly curtains and perhaps some dangling unicorns and hearts hanging from the ceiling. However, when she entered and saw that the classroom was nothing out of the ordinary - and very clean - Kurumi almost felt disappointed.
Walking towards the front, the Gryffindor set her bag on the table and then went to greet the Pink Lady. " Good day, ma'am," she said with a polite bow before extending a small box containing two types of cookies that she had baked earlier. The announcement had said that gifts were a plus, but Kurumi never went out and bought anything. Handmade things were something that had been drilled into her head since...forever. " My name is Kurumi Hollingberry, Gryffindor prefect. On behalf of the students I would just like to say welcome to Hogwarts." And another polite bow. Nothing out of the ordinary. She had done the same for the other visiting professors.
With that, Kurumi set the box on the table for the woman to do whatever she wanted with it. Hopefully she liked sweets... Kurumi walked back to her table and sat down, removing some parchment and her quill from her bag. She wasn't too sure about the subject matter of this particular seminar, Entrancing Enchantments. She had read briefly about them in her Charms textbook, but the usage of these particular spells was, well, not something that Kurumi entirely agreed with. Then again, she only knew the very very basics. Poppy watched as another student made her way towards her. The chances for gifts was high, very high, higher and likely possible than ever before. Poppy squeed when the girl stopped in front of her. Poppy snatched the box from the girl’s hands and began to open it. ”Yeah, whatever, good for you…” Poppy continue to open the too carefully wrapped present. ”Oh, you sweet little angel!” Poppy exclaimed when she saw the cookies. Clearly the girl thought Poppy could afford eating some cookies, which was really a compliment on her figure. Before the girl could escape, the woman launched herself at the child and clutched her so tightly that two more seconds would have send the girl to the Hospital Wing. ”POINTS FOR…” Eh, this one had said something, what was it…? ”KARA HOLLERBERG!!” Quote:
Originally Posted by Gabrielle Uh... why was the professor pink?
Glenn wandered into the class and spotted a bunch of older students. Feeling very out of place, the badger walked up to the professor and make a tentative smile at the pink explosion lady, "Hello... Professor."
As she walked away she heard the woman giggling again - was there something wrong with her hair or something? She nervously patted the frizz in her curls down and sat quite far away from this pink lady, trying to check her reflection in the window to make sure nothing else was wrong with her appearance. ”Hello, hello!” Poppy greeted yet another confused looking student. Quote:
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF After reading the announcement on the notice board that yet again another seminar lesson had been scheduled, Daichi had rushed towards the Divination tower to participate in class. He had missed the second seminar lesson but he wouldn't let the third one slip away!
The Slytherin entered the classroom. His hair was sticking out in every direction just like in the CoMC lesson and his tie hung loosely around his neck. Straightening it a bit, he looked around the classroom until his eyes landed on something pink. Very pink... "Ehm..hello.."was he suppose to call her Professor now or not? And her giggling made him feel a bit uneasy. Was she giggling at him? "Ma'am.." he decided and bowed for the woman like he had learned from his parent. Turning around, Daichi picked a seat at the front of the class because it seemed that almost everyone sat far away from the woman so he had no choise, and sat down. Another present? No present. This was the worst reception ever. The Headmaster would hear about this! She expected the little ones to shower her with gifts, but all they did was talk to her and sometimes they looked like they expected an answer in return. This one was too cute though, he looked like a bland pygmy puff, so she pinched his cheeks and giggled. Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Ella entered the classroom where the third seminar would take place and stopped short in front of the-very pink professor...She did her best to smile at the woman, despite the fact that she seemed to be laughing at the students. How odd.. "Hello P-Professor." Ella said nervously, running her hands down her robes to straighten them out.
Looking around, Ella noticed that Daichi, the boy she'd worked with in CoMC, was sitting alone. She walked over to him and smiled. "Mind if I sit up here with you? Seats in the back seem to be filling up fast." And she could see why. ”Please, sweetiepie, I would prefer if you called me Madam Poppy.” She was going to have to address this in class. Unless Tate decided to pay her a professor’s salary, she wasn’t going to be called a professor. Working at Hogwarts was even more dangerous than being an Auror. Quote:
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill To be honest, as she was going to enter the classroom, Gwendolyn felt almost scared. Yes. The announcement made her feel quite nervous about this course… which she had no idea what it was going to be about. Entrancing Enchantments. Hmm. It could be anything. But it still sounded… well…eh… silly. Or at least Gwen thought so.
As she stepped in, the young Ravenclaw was a bit surprised. And relieved. It wasn’t like she’d expected this to be. Yey! No pink!, she thought but then drew her attention towards the lady standing in the front. Ah. Never mind. ‘Good day’, she said with a small nod, trying to act normal.
After greeting the woman, Gwen made her way towards one of the desks. So far there was the healing lesson- which she absolutely loved… then it was the one about music… at which she was terrible and couldn’t do anything… and now this. Still, she was looking puzzled and didn’t know what EXACTLEY to expect. Poppy giggled again as another little girl walked in and took a seat. Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul Stumbling into the classroom, her hair slightly unkempt, Louisa paused at the door where the person who was supposed to teach them was settled. "Good day ma'am." Louisa's voice trailed away as the woman giggled. Not to mention the pink storm going on around her. Soooooomebody wanted to be a cutie princess when they were young. Snort.
Proceeding to one of the empty tables, the Ravenclaw sat on a chair and threw her bag on the floor by her feet as usual. This class should be fun, though. She was curious and very excited to learn something off the curriculum. When another Ravenclaw walked in, Poppy stood up and greeted her with a smile before flicking her wand to close the door.
She stepped in front of the class with her hands folded in front of her and a smile as she waited for them to shut their cute little traps. ”Hello, sweet little creatures, and welcome to the third seminar course of the year. This time you will be learning about Entrancing Enchantments. Oh, but before we get to that, I am Poppy Prunella Pricklepot, Madam Poppy to you all, or Auntie Pricklepot. That works, too.” She giggled and began to pace around the classroom. ”Now, back to Entrancing Enchantments. Who can tell me what they are and what they do? If you don’t know anything about them, just think about what they are called and try to make a guess!” It was just about as obvious as what they learned in Defense Against the Dark Arts classes. She swished her wand and the words “Entrancing Enchantments” appeared on the board, yes, in pink. She giggled and smiled at the students, hoping they would answer sometime in the near future because she was already getting tired... and bored. Good thing she had a tea cup set and cookies, that could help her pass the time and make things a little more interesting... For her, at least. |