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Old 03-12-2012, 03:54 AM
Hera Hera is offline
Default Meet an Author: fanficfanatict

Welcome everyone! to another edition of Meet an Author! This month in the spotlight, we have Taylor! So let's give her a HUGE round of applause and grillget to know her with some super tough questions.

Taylor's works include:
100 Drabbles for the Quirky Ginger: Selina Skylar - Sa13+
100 Strong for TEAM Kurina - Sa13+

Interviewer: Emily (Hera)
Interviewee: Taylor (fanficfanatict)
Taylor Taylor! *waves frantically* Welcome to the.... show? ... and congratulations on being our author for the month of March! *pats couch* Come grab a seat, don't be shy.

Emily! Emily! *waves/flails back* Wait... why are we saying our names twice? *And thank you! *flops down on couch*

Haha, because it's fun? maybe even twice the fun? So how are you feeling? Pumped? Nervous? Both?

Ah yes, fun... touche, Emily, touche. As to your second question, I guess I'm a little bit of both. So would that be pumpous.... nerped?

A bit of both! Brilliant! We like our Authors to feel as uncomfortable as possible! ... Just kidding XD But I do like the sound of nerped. Do you come up with witty words often?

Oh heavens no. I'm not exactly what you'd call witty, I'm more awkward. Every once and a while, through my awkwardness, I come off as witty. I promise it's merely coincidence

Well I'm glad we've established that, after all we wouldn't want people thinking you're a closet Ravenclaw, you look so good in red. Speaking of colours, super important question! What colour would you like to be for this interview? *has paint ready*

Thank you! I am so fond of my red *twirls around in dress* and as for my colour.... oh that is hard Emily! WHY YOU GIVE ME HARD QUESTIONS? Hmm maybe teal, for poetic purposes?

*admires dress* Hard? oh sweetie that wasn't hard at all. You're in for a world of pain Just kidding! You know I love you. I also like teal on you, and it works, so teal it shall be! Now even though I know exactly how awesome you are, our audience might be a bit behind the times, so for their sake who are you and what do you do?

*gulps* World of pain? *sighs* Okay good.... And I know the answer to this question! Well, my name is Taylor and I'm nineteen years old. I'm a London girl and enjoy anything red velvet. I'm also not opposed to long walks on the beach. I've been part of Snitchseeker for just over a year, a year in December to be exact. And on SS, I am the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain (well, Selina is), I am part of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, I'm a DA Shopkeeper Assistant, I'm the LATIN MOD (GO LATIN), I'm part of the yearbook as a writer and I'm also the President of the Bonnie Wright fan club.
*lets out sigh of relief* there you go.

you are one busy little human, I don't know how you find time for it all. Now before we get onto the important questions about your writing, how did you find Snitchseeker? And what was it that inspired you to become a member?

Yes, I am a busy human, but not nearly as much as you Em lol. Snitchseeker *shiny eyes* I found Snitchseeker entirely on accident. It was right after the second to last Harry Potter came out. I was in a Harry Potter mood, like all Potterheads, and my friend and I were arguing about what house I'd be in. I said Gryffindor, she disagreed and said Ravenclaw. So anyway, we were looking for a site that would have a quiz that would not have bias questions, or obvious questions so I could throw the quiz. And then I joined Snitchseeker. My friend and I waited a few days until I was a member and then I went through all of the measures to join the site so I could take that quiz. When it came back Gryffindor she bought me dinner because I was right Honestly, that was how I joined SS.

Me busy? PFFT all I do is sit on this couch *bounces* and think of ways to annoy... I mean.. interview you. Seriously though, that is one of the coolest stories ever! I wish I got food as a result of being sorted. As much as I love you as a Gryffindor, you would make an exceptional Ravenclaw. ... just saying. Was there anything in particular that made you decide to stay?

Me a Ravenclaw? *I wonder why you would push that, Em... haha. *And well I stayed on board the SS train, no pun intended just kidding pun totally intended, because of Lex (Team ronmione) and Katherine/Pixie (sweetpinkpixie). *They literally both pounced on me when I came on the site and every time I tried to get away they drew me back in. *I am so grateful that they did that. *
I love all my SS buddies

I'm innocent. .... no shiftiness involved! LMAO nnnaaaww that is SO sweet! *gets teary* SS buddies really are the best though, and they're just a mouse click away! So now onto the point of the interview. You're an author! You have two drabbles, one which you share with Pixie/Katherine (sweetpinkpixie) and they both involve your RPG character Selena (whom I love dearly!) What made you decide to write her story?

Innocent my hippogriff. Nah I love you! :tackle: And don't cry, the story has a happy ending! Ah yes, the interview... we are supposed to be doing that thing. Righto! And yes I do have two sets of drabbles, both of which include Selina (with an i). I suppose what made me start them was Katherine, she is a recurring theme in my SS story. She had a set of drabbles for her SS character Kurumi and was bugging me about making my own. SO I did. And Selina is kind of an interesting and weird character so she always makes for a cute/weird short story.

Haha I like hippogriffs-- random fact, and I love you too *wipes away the tears* Interview?! .... yes we should get to doing that sometime soon lol. (I knew it was with an i!! I promise!... bad bad bad interviewer). I absolutely agree, Selina is an amazing character, she's so charismatic it makes for a great read. So go people! READ!... after the interview. Do you write anything else in your spare time?

Hippogriffs are interesting animals, make sure you bow first though *nods* And boy Em, why are you crying? (Don’t feel bad about it, almost every teacher spells it wrong in her classes). People? Who are you referring to *turns head and sees a mass of people* Oh *gulps* Hello! And I do write in my spare time. I'm actually in the middle of writing a book, which is kind of half done. That and I write fan fiction a lot, which I am contemplating putting on SS

Bow? ... So that's where I went wrong *eyes the scars?* Haha ok I shall forgive myself then. YES PEOPLE! *points at them in the audience* they're here to see you! amazing huh? Oohhh so you write more! This excites me. I think posting it on SS is a sensational idea, that way I can stalk your fabulous writing more. You mentioned writing a book, like a whole book? with pages?. THAT is a huge feat. Being the sticky beak that I am, and I'm sure the audience is curious too, what is it about and how far have you come with it?

Oh Merlin, putting me on the spot Em. *pets head* it’s okay I'll try and explain it to the best of my ability. It’s about this young boy who is stuck in the same day over and over again, and by the end of each day he figures out that he is living the same day, but when he wakes up the next morning he forgets. Through the entire book he is trying to escape the loop, until he finally figures out that he is not stuck in the same day, he has been captured by enter spoiler here and he has to figure out how to escape and get the other people out of there with him.

ON THE SPOT ON THE SPOT!... why am I so evil today? Oh well, it's all out of love and nosiness.
I have to say that sounds like an AMAZING story, I'm excited just hearing about it. I've always wanted to write a book, but I always seem to get stuck. Do you have any tips for your fellow SS authors?

Any tips from me? I don't think they'd want it, but I guess I'd say don't take yourself too seriously. Writing should always be fun and the moment it isn't any more stop writing. People can tell when you have passion behind what you write..... That’s all I got

I think that is the most philosophical tip I've ever heard... it's like talking to Dr. Phil.

Who is Dr. Phil? Lol.

... you don't get American day time TV? That’s a real shame. He's basically a balding TV shrink. Really cool though, so you're really cool... and not balding, of course XD

Haha how do you know I'm not balding???

I stalk you. Mmhhmm. Now enough about me stalking you and your non-balding head, I suppose we can safely say you're a Potter fan. (Insert LOL) are there any other books or authors that pique your interest?

Well my favourite book ever is A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens... But I don't think you want me to go on about classics, so I really love the hunger games trilogy by Suzanne Collins and I love the magician’s series by... I can't remember.

Everyone loves a classic! (Or at least they should) and you really can't go wrong with Dickens. Hunger Games is super popular, and I'm sure the films will be a great success.
Now before we finish up, are you ready to play a game?

.... Um okay... Let's do this!

Now this is a game I like to call "What if you went to Hogwarts?!" ... ready? *deep breaths*


If YOU went to Hogwarts, what type of magical candy would you sneak into class?

Um um um..... Ehhh .... Acid pops! No, Bertie Botts because I like jelly beans.

Haha good choice! *approves* ... what flavour ice cream would you buy from Florean Fortescues whilst shopping for your supplies?

Red velvet... No question.

Of course as a young girl what magical animal would you obsess over?

What would I obsess over? Well probably a pygmy puff... They are fluffy balls of joy.

I'm not going to comment on that one. *clears throat* .... *smirks* ... Ok, what would be your favourite subject?

and my favourite subject would be *eyes Emily* herbology duh!

Good answer! *gives you an O for you interview* What Quidditch team would you support?

Oh Falmouth Falcons... Their motto is awesome!!!

What's their motto?

"Let us win, but if we cannot win let us break some heads."

*dies laughing* ... that is simply epic. GREAT CHOICE!
What form do you think your patronus would take?

My patronus would be the same as my RPG characters... A wolf... Because how awesome is that?

That is super awesome indeed, they're so pretty, majestic and downright kick butt Do you think you would be the type of student to get detention?

Yes... Because, as you know Em, I'm full of shenanigans.

Absolutely! Which is why I love you so much, you're a great sport.... and THAT... concludes our interview! THANK YOU for being so wonderful and for letting me interrogate you, it's been a pleasure. *turns to the audience* Let's hear an applause for Taylor everyone! *the crowd goes WILD*

*blushes* oh stop that isn't necessary *strikes a pose* you are all too much!

*applauds some more* We look forward to ... maybe... seeing some of those fan fics you mentioned. All the best sweetie!

Thanks Emily, it’s been fun. *salutes and flies off on bike in front of the moon*

*WAVES* BBBYYYYYYEEEE. *turns back to the audience* Well everyone, how'd you think that went? I thought it went rather well... After you check out Taylor's amazing work (follow the links above) help us in supporting ALL of our wonderful authors by making your over to Gringotts Wizarding Bank for all your fan fiction, poetry and drabbling needs!
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