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Three Chapters! Give me time to catch up girl! I can't wait till sorting, and you get to play in the school!
um.... well... As I said before, Flora is a caricature of myself... So it's easier write her story than eating gelatin... so I already wrote all chapters of this FF, already translated them into English (my friend Roger and I) and I have just waiting my beta-reader to make adjustments (there are 19 chapters)... I am trying post it as slowly as I can.
Now I'm working in translate Flora Riddle 3 (there are 5 chapters translated) and writing its chapter 25... But I promisse: I will not write Flora 4.
About sorting... The Sorting Hat? I was sorted to Slytherin in Pottermore! I would like to be sorted to Slytherin here too, because I love Snape... It would be a honour.