Thread: Harry Potter: Flora Riddle 2 - Sa13+
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Old 03-11-2012, 11:37 AM   #30 (permalink)
Ivana R
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Default 9. Grimmauld Place
Portuguese Hippogriff Harrys Schokofrösche

Grimmauld Place hadn’t changed much since Sirius was gone. Harry liked to keep the house as it originally was. The only things he really minded to remove were the years-long dirt and the picture of Sirius' mother, that was now in the attic, a place where once lived a hippogriff.

The house was now clean and tidy, and slightly smelt of wood. All that had been eroded by time, moths or by doxies (biting fairies), had been replaced by similar objects or recovered altogether. Still, it was rather gloomy, but Flora wasn’t intimidated by that. Kreacher, the house-elf was its only occupant. He no longer had the strength to get out of bed and so, he was looked after by a witch hired by Harry. She visited the elf three times a day, and brought him food. She also looked after the house. Harry went to visit him in Sirius's brother, Regulus’s old room. The elf looked happy and interested in Flora. Harry introduced them, but as soon as Kreacher heard Flora’s name, he said with his bullfrog’s voice even huskier with his old age:

“Kreacher knows who she is” the elf said. “It was a closely guarded secret for many years. Kreacher was forced not to tell that to anybody, and this was his greatest betrayal against the Blacks. Mr Lestrange threatened to kill Miss Bella if he did it. Your name is on the tapestry, Flora Riddle."

Hearing this, Flora clearly got excited to see the tapestry. Making a flourished gesture with her wand, she conjured up a wildflowers’ bouquet to fill the small vase on the nightstand. Very pleased, Kreacher thanked her and showed them the door.

“I'll let you rest, then. Excuse me sir.” Flora said.

Kreacher looked at her very surprised but didn’t say anything. Harry stayed in the room a little longer, wondering what else he could do for Kreacher’s welfare. The old elf got happy and once again asked Harry whether he could switch nurses, as he’d rather it be an elf than a witch.

“No problem. As soon as possible, we will do the change. I believe it will be in this week, all right?”

“Certainly, Mr. Potter. I trust you. If I may comment, she doesn’t look like Miss Bella, I think she’s a different kind of a witch. Like you. But even so, be careful.” said Kreacher.

“Oh, yes. Thank you, Kreacher.”

“Now I must rest.”

Kreacher turned on his side in the bed. Without waiting for the farewell, he immediately began to snore loudly. Harry wasn’t sure if they were real or fake snores. However, he left the old elf alone and went after Flora. She was waiting on the stairs, on the floor below.

Flora and Harry went to the living room where the tapestry was nailed to the wall. At first glance there was no sign of her name. Harry drew a complicated series of movements with his wand, whispered strange words in Latin and finally the once burned names began to reappear as if they’d just been written. There came Flora’s and Tom Marvolo Riddle’s names followed by the name of Flora’s husband and children, which could be seen again.

She looked closely at the triangle formed by her name along with her biological parents’. Taking a deep breath, she remained silent for a few minutes, patting her dumb lips with her fingers. Harry put his hand on her shoulder and comforted her. This brought her out of her trance:

”I forgot it wasn’t just my name that would appear on it.”

As she said this, she pointed her wand at her parents' names and burned them. She went on:

“But I still want to understand why these two people came to this point. Why were they so cruel?”

“I think I'm the person who best knew Voldemort, perhaps even better than himself or Dumbledore. I can show you some memories that may help. At Hogwarts, a very interesting object, a Pensieve is kept in the headmistress' office. Dumbledore used it to share memories, from his own and from other people as well. It’s kind a hard to explain.”

Flora turned to him, looking deeply in his eyes without penetrating them. Then she said:

“At least try to. I'm curious.”

“Memory is a silvery fluid substance that can be extracted using the wand. If immediately stored in a bottle, it can be accessed in the Pensieve, we can literally dive into these memories when they are there and review, as if in a movie, what happened. It's just not possible to interact with those memories, we can just watch them. Dumbledore had a collection of memories connected to Tom Riddle. They helped us to defeat him.”

“If it isn’t very shocking for me, I’d like to see some of them.”

“I'll talk to Professor McGonagall. But I think I can show you some of them myself. Shall we go back now?”


He reached for her and led her to the doorway, from where they Disapparated back to Hogsmeade.
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