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Old 03-11-2012, 04:03 AM   #42 (permalink)
Furmgoat the Tawny Owl
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Join Date: Apr 2010
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Originally Posted by Presley Black View Post
After being sent up by the Headmaster, Presley stepped into his office and a little awkwardly didn't know what to do. She stood in the center of the floor and waited for Tate. She was more than a little nervous at this point. Based on his body language by the gargoyles it seemed he was unwilling to agree with her just because she'd waited a year, and worked harder than ever before in her life for the entire year.

She stepped slightly toward a grouping of pictures and glanced at them. It seemed Tate had been to almost as many different places as she had, but he had met more influential people she was sure. Pres usually wasn't allowed along to her fathers meetings with the high class of the wizarding world. She instead spent the time in other countries as a tourist, visiting the sights, and above all, learning the history of them from her tutor. But she had so much fun. Especially on that Egypt trip last year with Elliot....

She scanned her eyes across the whole room, noticing the paradox's in it. The desk wasn't cluttered, but her eyes automatically caught several stains from glasses not being set on coasters. It seemed her Headmaster was a tidy man, but not a particularly obsessive one. It was nice. Amost comfortable. Presley had never been in such a strange type of room. In her experience, rooms were either kept in absolutely perfect order, or they were a mess.
He wouldn't admit it to the other owls, but Furmgoat was pleased that this time he only had to deliver a letter. Letters were so much easier on his wonky little wings, and they made flying much more enjoyable than carrying packages did. Not to mention faster.

Which was why he was now flying into this room where he was certain the girl person the letter was being sent to was.

"Hoo." Here, girl person.

He dropped the letter in front of her then, turning, he flapped his wonky wings and flew away, heading back to the post office.

SPOILER!!: Delivery

To:: Presley Black
From:: Leo Black

Hey Kiddo,
I haven't heard from you in almost two weeks. Are you doing all right? I'm beginning to feel a little concern. Preslet, I've had the most genius idea for broom development, that I can't record here in case it falls into the wrong hands, but as soon as it's fully developed and on the market, you'll know, I promise. It actually might not be done until summer, in which case you'll know about it before it comes out in stores. Maine helped a lot with it though, so I can't claim full credit.

I'm going on a business trip to France next week. Yes I know, I'll take pictures. How is dance going? Your instructor sent me a letter all about your improvement and achievements, thought I must admit I hardly understood what most of the words meant.

Hey kid, I know father told you to go back and talk to the headmaster about skipping up at about this time this year, but I wouldn't if I were you. And not because I think he won't let you, or that you're not competent. I wouldn't because that's a lot of unecessary stress for you. Besides, you'd graduate a whole year earlier than all of your friends. Wouldn't you rather have classes with people you like instead of feeling intimidated by older kids every day? You're really smart Pres, and if I were you I might take your OWL's early, but not skip a year.

I have something super important that I need your approval on. Okay? Listen, Preslet. I know you didn't have the best of experiences this summer, but that was my fault and not hers. Okay? I want to ask Maine to marry me. But you know that I won't do it unless you give your approval. I do love you and value you Pres. Do I have your approval? Please write back quickly. I want to ask her while we're in France.

Lots of Love,
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