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AmbiguouslyMe Emrys smiled a big, awkward goofy smile. "Well, I'm glad I sat here, then," he said, feeling a bit more cheery. He stuck his hands in his pockets. "I'm actually a pretty fair flyer, but I don't see the appeal in trying to avoid bludger-induced comas." He bopped a bit, raising himself up on his toes and then letting his heels hit the ground a few times as he watched the race for the snitch.
He pulled his hands out to clap, this time rather enthusiastically, as she cheered and Gryffindor took the match. He turned to look at her, biting his thumb's cuticle as he listened. "Sounds rough. I'm sorry." He looked away nervously.
And as for him. He shrugged. "Promised my mum." He shuffled his feet, ignoring the rest of the people around him. "'Get out of that tower,' she said. 'Go to the match,' she said. 'Maybe you'll make a friend. Or meet a pretty girl.'" He paused, his cheeks getting a little red, as he glanced back up.
"She was right," he said hurriedly, before fixing his eyes back on his shoes.
Ignoring the hustle and bustle going on around them, Louisa gave him a bright smile. One of her rare ones, "
Me too." Both about him sitting here and not interested in those comas. Taking off the cap, Louisa subtly shook her head, "
It's fine. Sometimes only a fight will tell you.. things about.. someone." Louisa fidgeted a bit, "
And I think I deserved it." Kind of. "
It's all good now."
Taking her messenger bag from the seat and slipping it across her body, the girl raised her eyebrows at this piece of information. "
Your mom knows about Quidditch?" Chuckling quietly, Louisa continued, "
I spent Christmas holiday convincing her that my wand was actually a wand not a wooden stick."
... waaaait a minute. O_______o Did he just call her... pretty girl?
Louisa Carter? The annoying overachiever geek?
A thick awkward moment passed before she forced a laugh, "
I should get that in writing." She added bitterly, "
Someone doesn't even think I'm.." SIGH. "
Never mind." She smiled again, "
Your mom knows that you're an interesting and nice character, Emrys. I had really fun time attending the game with you. I usually bring a book to not fall asleep."