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Saz Hale Arabella-Marie smiled at Tay and said "There is nothing wrong with being a second year i have some friends who are in there second year"
Taylor became less shy and nervous, and started to relax again, "Okay...." She gave the girl a half smile. "What is your favorite class?" Quote:
Angelina was walking around the stands trying to find a place to sit. She knew she was running a bit late but she wanted to come still. After looking around a bit for a spot and not finding one Angelina was about to give up tell she looked down a little ways and spotted her friend Taylor. Oh they haven't spoke in a while. With a smile Angelina rushed down towards Taylor dected out in Slytherin colors for her house pride. Once aprouching her she said, "Hey Taylor. May I join you?" She spotted she was talking to someone else. With that she smiled to the other girl.
TAylor looked over and smiled at her friend, "Hey Angelina... sure you can join us." Taylor was excited at seeing her friend.