Thread: Harry Potter: Flora Riddle 2 - Sa13+
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Old 03-10-2012, 12:03 PM   #28 (permalink)
Ivana R
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Default 7. Flying Yan
Portuguese Hippogriff Harrys Schokofrösche

Flora didn’t stop reading Hogwarts: a History, not even to clean the house, as now she could do everything just by moving her wand. Felipe was already making jokes about how she would be taking a shower without soaking the book in her hands ... just to add straight away:

“Oh, I forgot, she is a witch. She'll manage.”

Yan took advantage of his mother’s distraction to have his hair cut Mohican style and to have his tongue pierced. The piercing was removed right after tea, when Flora heard the sound of metal hitting the fork.

“But mom, everybody has it!”

“My son is not everybody ... And that's disgusting. Come here with piercings, tattoos and whatever only when you’re of age.”

“At least the wizard’s majority is earlier, I won’t have to wait until I‘m eighteen. I bet if it was Ricardo, you’d let him.” Yan whined.

“A-huh ... How many piercings does he have? And ears enlargers?” Flora asked, a little suspiciously.

“Ricardo's narrow-minded just like you, mom.”

Saying so, Yan left the kitchen dragging his feet, defeated..

Felipe followed him.

“You know how your mother is: she’s liberal for many things, but not to all of them.” Felipe explained to Yan. “You see, son, she wishes you well. We’ve just moved to a new country, you are going to a new school. We aren’t ordinary people even among the wizarding folks. Try not to draw too much attention to yourself at school.”

“But dad, Mom is always saying that if we don’t want to draw attention to ourselves; we have to behave like the people we hang out with. At school everyone is fancy, wearing pierces or enlargers; they even insert some lumps under the skin that are cool. If I’ll look plain, they’ll think I'm nerd or retarded. I wanted so much to wear one of those pierces, just in the tongue. Besides, Rosmerta’s nephew assured me that it’s possible to take everything off later on by using magic. And it doesn’t live as a scar or anything like that.”

“Okay, I'll talk to your mother. But no horns or lumps please.” Felipe said, warning him.

“I promise: no horns or lumps.’

Yan said that hiding his crossed fingers behind his back, thinking he hadn’t even thought of having horns, or horns like a human unicorn. And so, lost in the bizarre images of himself transformed like that, he skipped to the backyard.

Flora watched him skipping and suddenly realised that sometimes he seemed to hover in the air. She thought it to be interesting. Felipe came closer to her, hugged her and passed on to her their son’s arguments. Shaking her head, she said:

“His insightful thinking doesn’t impress me at all, He's just like you. What he doesn’t realize is that some children complain of their mothers and call them witches, but his is a witch indeed! Oh, how I wish I could clear his memory only to the point he argued reasonably against me so that I won’t be able to deny him what he wants.”

Felipe astonishingly looked at her. She looked back at him:

“Easy, my love. I’d never do that.” Flora replied to his unasked question, “I don’t think that the means justify the ends. "Let him looks like a Christmas tree. We can remove those ugly adornments once he doesn’t want them anymore... I don't care." she said defeated."

Astonished at her words, Felipe said, “I never imagined you’d say that.”

“Well, before, I didn’t have a wand to manage things. Besides, Yan is a proud boy. As soon as a girl finds him funny, he'll want to get rid of everything. He's already upset for going to Muggle school when his brother and sister are already going to Hogwarts. Let's allow him this time and be careful not to make things even more boring for out here.”

“Sometimes I forget that you are still a psychologist.”

“Me too.” Flora replied, smiling.

And the two hugged and kissed tenderly before joining their son in the backyard and along with him, admired the magnificent starry night.

Last edited by Ivana R; 03-11-2012 at 11:29 AM. Reason: grammatical error
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