Holding the vase he had made in the common room in his hand, the third year entered the boys dormitory and walked to the end of the room. He jumped on his bed (the vase didn't slip out of his hand) and his body bounced once on it and he turned around to look at the ceiling. His lips pouted a little as he sat back up opened up his drawer from his nightstand beside his bed. He placed a few text books that lay on top of the nightstand in the drawer so that he had room to place the vase. Drawing his wand again, he pointed it inside the face and said
"Aguamenti" and watched how the vase filled with water. After shutting the drawer , Daichi took the purple and white colored flowers and arranged them in the
small vase.
Looking at his ending result, Daichi smiled and scratched his hair. He felt tired and after checking his watch he saw that dinner wouldn't be in another hour. So he turned on his bed and closed his eyes to get a quick nap .