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Team ronmione
"I only want to hug you because I want to comfort you." Simple as that. Why were there questions as to why he wanted to hug her. Couldn't things just be simple, why questions?
Then he squirmed and felt uncomfortable when she assumed he was so suddenly being nice to her because of her mother's illness. Had she really thought about him like that in her time of er,suffering. He was beginning to fume what she had said about him but he couldn't explode on her not now and not any time soon. "Whether I'd been nice to you so far this term or not, I'd still be worried and wanting to help you in any way I can. I'm your friend, and I want to do this for you. So, if there's something you need a favor or just sitting with me or something, I'll be here, just call my name."
It was a valid offer,suggestion, she wouldn't even need to talk to him just to try and make herself feel better. Adam wanted to be there for her but it seemed she didn't want anything to do with him.
Kurumi didn't want his comfort. Granted, she really didn't want anyone's comfort at the moment as it only served as a reminded to what was going on. Truth also was that the sort of hugs she wanted were not the ones Adam could provide her...so she didn't really want them.
She could tell that what she had said had hurt him and she knew that she had been completely unreasonable. Kurumi furrowed her brow and scrunched her hands up into tight fists, resting them on her thighs and simply sat there for a few moments as she allowed Adam's words to wash over her instead of going in one ear and out the other. "
I'm...sorry," she whispered, hiding her face from him by lowering it and having her hair fall over it. Tears slowly streamed down her cheeks and dripping off her chin and onto her closed fists. She hoped that he knew that she was apologizing, because she was having a really hard time finding the words right now.
Her thoughts drifted again, drifted onto someone specific and stayed there. Someone that she wanted to see desperately right now and she found the willpower to try the spells again. If nothing else, they were proving to be a distraction. Wand back towards the parchment, Kurumi tried to steady her shaking hand before speaking. "
Ludo Totalum," she whispered before moving her wand towards the piano and making circular motions again. "
Ludo Solus."
All her emotions seemed to attach themselves to the spell as it went out of her wand and covered the piano in a pale glow. The ivories seemed to come to life and began
to play on their own. Kurumi bit her lower lip and allowed more tears to flow. She just didn't feel like fighting them anymore and couldn't even bring herself to celebrate charming the piano.
It didn't seem to matter - even if the music had a mildly calming effect on the Gryffindor.