Like a Domino ♥ Karma Kimalia ♥ ♥ Taco Bell ♥ Sorry for party rocking
Kimalia blew her whistle, "Alright, if anyone has any certain projectiles, please deposit them in this bucket." She had to cover her face when a dozen gum-wads were spat at her direction. "Okay, okay!" Tossing the Quaffle in the air again, "Game on!"
Amelia took the Quaffle, and tucked herself into position ready to take off, but first looked behind her in case any surprise came. Unfortunately since she didn't look in front she failed to see Isaac coming at her making him collide on top of her leaving the Quaffle to fall in Sierra's arms. Ding! Scoreboard
Anna Banana - 3
Green Ninja - 2 Q6: What does SPEW stand for? |