You're making my mouth water!!!!:) but we don't get it here in my area :( :( :( ♥Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often♥
Ang chuckled. No, he definitely wasn't going to leave her bag alone, she just knew it! His smirk proved it. Anyways, whats the most he could do? Nothing haha..
Merlins! Why was she blushing?!?! Ang was sure that it was clearly visible to Indy. And his next comment cemented her doubts. His fingers felt so cool against her hot cheeks. And his old English made her even more shy! Smiling wide, "Shut up!" was all that she said while tucking her loose side bangs behind her ear.
And it was so funny! Ang laughed out loud! It really was funny to see his big blue eyes open in surprise and his mumbling with his mouth, no, his face full of cheesecake! HAHAHA!
Oh? He expected HER to clean up that mess on HIS face? "Mister, are you making a lady do the work?" she asked him grinning.
He himself had given her this great idea, and so nope, she definitely wasn't going to say sorry or even clean. Besides, he anyways looked a little more cute with that cheesecake