SPOILER!!: Professor Lafay
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"Katharos." She said and shook her head. His chocolate...? Merlin's beard!
"Alright. Now that you've put it on your blemishes, add the salt to the mixture and cast the charm again, moving the wand in the opposite direction than the previous time," She demonstrated and said "Enodis!"
"Now take a ladle and drink it down." She said and did just so.
A few moments later the boil began to visibly shrink to nothing.
While Alyssa was waiting for the potion to work on her zits, she listened and watched as the Professor demonstrated what the salt was for. She gaped in awe as the Professor finished the potion and drank it. The boil on the Professor's face was quickly shrinking to nothing. Once they were told to work on their potion, Alyssa added the pinch of salt into the potion mixture. She then picked up her wand and skimmed it over her cauldron, only this time waving it in the opposite direction than she had done earlier and said,"
ENODIS." She then took her ladle and scooped up some potion. Closing her eyes and holding her nose, she put the ladle to her mouth and drank down the potion.
Once she had swallowed the potion, she opened her eyes and looked down her nose at the large boil growing on it. As she watched, the boil began to shrink to nothing. She felt the other boils on her face and they too were disappearing. As she waited for the potion to work on them, she picked up her quill and added the steps into her potions journal.
She then put down her quill, sat back and waited for further instructions.