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William slowed his chewing of the last of the sammich still in his mouth, giving Selena a bit of a gaping stare. "Jelly beans? You mean there's.... jelly beans in there?" He chewed more slowly now and swallowed awkwardly. Come to think of it, yeah..... there had been some kind of salty, boogery thing in there. Must've been a bad Bott bean. Derp.
"You may NOT call Jack 'Jackie,'" he shook his head, opening his desk drawer at the sound of a bark. Jack the crup popped out then, his tongue lolling out of his mouth lazily and his eyes looking all around for the source of the other cruppy. OH THERE HE WAS THERE WAS THE OTHER CRUPPY OTHER CRUPPY RIGHT THERE WOOF WOOF WOOOFF!
Why hadn't William noticed the puff on her head earlier? Duh, the girl was never seen without it. "Well that's not unusual, not really," he shrugged, realizing she was just not used to how much crups licked things. Speaking of, her crup was already trying to get out of his hands and over to his crup on the desk.
"Crups will try to eat most anything, you know, so the licking at first could have been his way of tasting Kent and testing him out." He shrugged and set her smaller crup on the desk next to his. "Really though, it's nothing to be concerned about. It's just his way of greeting Kent and marking him as his bud, his pygmy puff friend of sorts."
Selena nodded her head slowly.
"It's a peanut butter and jelly bean sammich," Selena said in a matter of fact tone of voice. Maybe the professor should start figuring out what he was eating before he ate it? Because Lafay could EASILY poison him that way... right? Would LAFAY DO THAT?!?!?!?
She couldn't call him Jackie?! Why not? Wasn't that the name of a ninja or something?! The professor must not like ninjas. Obviously.
"HAI JACK!" Selena exclaimed waving at the crup... who was looking at... Clarke? HEY. Selena had totally addressed the crup FIRST. And so.. the crup
wasn't made of wood. Weird.
Clarke squirmed in the guy's arms. Couldn't the man tell he wanted to LICK the fuzzy thing? It was fu- oh look there was a crup. He let out a bark, eyes now off of the pygmy puff. And mind off of the guy holding him. PUT HIM DOWN.
Selena blinked at the professor. Not... unusual? It was pretty darn unusual.
"So... Clarke was trying to eat... Kent?" Selena said slowly. HER CRUPPY WAS A PYGMY PUFF KILLER?!?!?! THe professor was obviously lying about the second part because he had JUST said that Clarke was TASTING Kent. They were supposed to be BEST FRIENDS. Clarke was so obviously BROKEN. Why hadn't the person selling the crups told Selena that the one she had ATE pygmy puffs?!?!?!