Originally Posted by
Furmgoat the Tawny Owl
It was getting to be about prime hunting time, but Furmy was still hoping that the human he was delivering to would give him treats. This was a far fly for the little owl, and with no stops for mice! He should get TWO treats.
The tawny owl swooped low into the corridor, the flapping of his wonky wings making his presence known, not that the girl person and her companion couldn't see him heading directly for them. "Hoooooo." He made to land on the telescope, but it started to wobble dangerously, so he lifted himself back into the air, circled them once, then landed on nearby sill. The package with an attached letter settling beside him softly.
Kurumi was just about to pack up her telescope when, oh! Hello there! Kurumi hadn't expected an owl to be flying out here at this time of night. Well, owls WERE nocturnal creatures, so it was only natural that they would be flying around and, oh, never mind. She wasn't expecting a package that was for sure.
Thank you," she said with a small smile at the owl, wondering who it could be from. Her left hand did reach for the silver heart pendant around her neck as she nervously opened up the letter though. Kurumi's violet eyes read over the letter and was surprised to see who it was from. Not only that, but the former Head Girl had sent her cookies! Talk about a complete 180 from where they had started things off. Kurumi reached into her pocket for one of her tuna fish cookies and offered it to the owl.