Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space. #2: Muggle Studies
Venturing into Darwin’s room, Oskar picked up the list that lay on the desk and studied it closely. He stared at it for about five minutes, and was about to put it down when his brother entered the room.
“What’re you doing, Oskar?”
“Just lookin’... What’s a Muggle?” Confusion set into the older boys forehead as he eyed the list.
“Like, not a magic person. Like you,” said the younger, fingers itching to tug the parchment away.
“So if you’ve grown up as one, why do you have to study them… us?”
“I don’t know, I don’t make the rules.”
__________________  ⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽