SPOILER!!: The Professor
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"Metal is a heat conductor." She said and nodded. "Now, take out your mortar and pestle. Crush the four snake fangs into a fine powder." She said and demonstrated to the class how easy this step could be, "You will want to sprinkle it into the cauldron, and then take a cinnamon stick and grate it into the potion." She smelled the potion and smiled as she did so.
Alyssa sat up when Professor Lafay started speaking and watched when she demonstrated what the next steps of making the potion were. Once the Professor had said that they were to proceed, Alyssa pulled over her mortar, pestle and grater and placed them on the table next to her. She then took out her wand and said "
Scourgify", first pointing at the mortar, then the pestle and grater. Cleanliness was definitely a good thing to make sure of and she wanted to make sure that all three were clean before she proceeded with the next steps. She inspected the mortar, pestle and grater to make sure that they were indeed clean before holstering her wand. Picking up four snake fangs with her gloved hands, Alyssa dropped them into the mortar and started to crush them with the pestle. She ground and ground until the snake fangs were crushed into fine powder.
Alyssa then picked up the powder and slowly sprinkled into the cauldron until all the powder was gone, and then she picked up the grater and a cinnamon stick and grated it into the potion until the entire stick was added into the cauldron. It looked like the cinnamon stick would have filled an entire tablespoon as the ingredients list had indicated. The smell of cinnamon filled the air. Alyssa kept an eye on the potion brewing in her cauldron as she picked up her quill and updated her potions journal.
Then she sat back, keeping watch over the potion brewing in her cauldron and waited for the further instructions.