Text Cut: Lyssie.xD
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"Hey there Nessie. I'm glad to see you're here with Puffles."Alyssa bent down to play with Puffles. Nerfball immediately jumped down from her shoulder and started bouncing towards Puffles. Nerfball bounced against Puffles and then bounced back, then bounced Puffles again. They kept rolling around and bouncing against each other. Nerfball would roll away and Puffles would chase after him/her and then bounce on him/her. Then Nerfball would chase after Puffles. "Awwww...that's so cute. They're playing with each other. Nerfball has been feeling gloomy. I guess he/she has been missing his/her buddies."Alyssa told Nessie.
Then they both started squeeking...."SSQQQUUEEEKKK...Ssssqqqqueeekkkk...sssqqqquuuueeee ... (both in low tone)" ."Hehehehe....they are talking to each other. Wait a minute they both have the same squeek tone. Both are squeeking in low tones. Puffles is a male, so that must mean that Nerfball is also a male." Alyssa was glad that she had finally figured out Nerfball's gender. She sat back and watched as the two Pygmy Puffs played around with each other.
"Thanks for letting Nerfball play with Puffles. He was definitely getting lonely. I definitely have to get me a Pygmy Puff when I get home this time. They are so adorable and they don't seem to be that difficult to take care of." Alyssa thanked Nessie.
This was too adorable. Nessie couldn't but giggle as she watched the two little pygmy puffs play with each other. It was just so nu nu and cute. The two little puff balls seemed to have enjoyed eachothers company. You could tell they we're having fun, which was why Nessie at first thought Nerfball was a female. Puffles didn't like spending time with males like himself he preferred to be with girls. She gave Lyssie a small nod.
"Cute they definitely are." She said with a small smile as she looked at the puff balls again.
Wait a second. Nerball was a male? That's what it seemed like, because he seemed to be squeaking in the exact same tone as Puffles. Nessie knew for a fact that her little indigo ball of fluff was a male. Or at least that's what the shop owner had said when she bought him.
"Yeah I guess they are." Said Ness with a small giggle. It was still a little odd for Puffles to be playing with another male, it just wasn't very much like him, he enjoyed girls company much more, which was why he
most of the time loved Ness.
"And yeah, Nerfball seems to be acting like one." Said Ness with her
pouting thinking face.
Why was Alyssa thanking her? Really it was no issue at all. It was just by luck that they had met.
"No problem at all." said Ness smiling once again.