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"Well done, Class. Now. Bubertuber pus." She said putting on her dragon hide gloves. "This is a thick yellow-green fluid," she said scooping some with her gloved finger, "which needs to be handled with gloves. Dragonhide. Or else you will develop nasty boils. This is what happens when undiluted. So put on your dragonhide gloves and with a metal spoon, put in the five drops, stirring counter clockwise six times."
Belle was kind of nervous to use Bubertuber pus. She never liked the smell or the side effect of having boils on your skin. She put on her dragon hid gloves and got out the pus and metal spoon. "Alright i got to put in five drops into the cauldron." she told herself.
"One drop...two...three...four...five." She counted in her head as the pus was added to the potion. "Now stir it counter clockwise six times." One...two..three...four...five..six." as she stired to the left. After she was done she added the steps to her notebook. Quote:
5 drops of bubertuber pus
1 tbsp Toothpaste
3 tbsp. honey
4 Snake fangs
1 tbsp. cinnamon powder
1 clove of garlic
2 cups of lemon zest
Pinch of salt
1. After cleaning the cauldron, fill it with water. Light a high, intense flame underneath. Make sure that it's intense but not large.
2. After putting on dragonhide gloves, add five spoonfuls of bubertuber pus. Stir counter-clockwise six times.