Did I....say something weird?" she asked innocently, cocking her head to the side like a confused kitten - minus the ears. Those didn't appear on top of her head unless she was really embarrassed about something. In fact, the last time that had happened had been in front of Jonathan when he had managed to make her blush about something or another for the umteenth time. She sure hoped that he was alright, back home under his father's scrutinizing eye. Thankfully, her sort of pondering expression was masked by the darkness, so she didn't appear as though she were zoning out.
Eyes back to looking through the telescope and finding that elusive Neptune. She found Sirius again...as well as Regulus and a whole bunch of other stars that had long and complicated names that included a series of numbers and letters of the alphabet. When her telescope landed on the moon, she knew she had gone too far. Now WHERE was the planet? It couldn't have just vanished, could it? Planets just didn't do that.
Referring to her star chart one more time, Kurumi sort of began bouncing in place. "
Lewis, I think I've finally found it," she exclaimed as she looked at Lewis, leaning over a bit so that she could try and adjust his telescope as well. "
Just over there. It looks really really small, but that's it." Okay, so it wasn't as exciting as her eyes made it out to be, but mission was accomplished and Neptune had been spotted!