Join Date: Apr 2004 Location: Vaes Dothrak
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Takeru Asakura Third Year
x5 x7
| ★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★ SPOILER!!: For Alyssa Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa continued to look deep inside the Snake Head. She climbed all way to the back of it and her wand's light shone on something stuck right inside. She reached inside, her fingers barely brushing the thing so she shoved herself further in, until her fingers managed to get a grip on it. She pulled it out and it was a small statue of a boy with FANGS...Snake Fangs? Alyssa held on to the boy with the Fangs quickly backing all the way out of the Snake Head and showed it up to Violet. "We found one Violet. Fake Snake Fangs. Oakey how are you doing at your end?"Alyssa called out to Oakey. Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa quickly ran up to Oakey. " Oh Oakey, it sure looks like a snakeskin. We need to ask the Professor to confirm whether this is one of the items on the list. Until then, ;et's just keep on looking. At least we found one on the list. A fake snake fang."Alyssa showed it to him. Then she pulled out their list and checked it off.
" Now where would we find the diary. Maybe somewhere on the floor near Slytherin's head. That's where Harry Potter was known to have destroyed the first Horcrux. I'll look over there. Where do you think Lockhart's wand would be? If I can remember, didn't he lose it near the entrance of the hole we entered? But we're not supposed to leave the Chamber, so do you the Professor has hidden it near the entrance of the Chamber? Should someone go look over there?"She suggested to both Oakey and Violet.
She saw Kurumi climb up the head of Salazar Slytherin, and waited for her to climb down. She had an idea where the fake Gryffindor sword might likely be hiding but she had to wait for Kurumi to climb down. But for now, she was going to look for anything lying on the ground near the lake in front of the statue. Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 Alyssa continued looking around the pool near the stone carving of Salazar Slytherin's head. The diary should be around here somewhere or at least nearby. Or even Gryffindor's sword. Harry Potter may have found it in the Gargoyle's head but he dropped it on the ground after he had killed the Basilisk, so until Kurumi and the other boy decided to get off the statue she wasn't going to be able to climb up there, unless she climbed up there and squeezed in with them. 'Geesh! how long does it take someone to explore one place? They might like want to give others a chance as well! 'Alyssa thought to herself. While you are busy watching someone else do work, you should really check out the water behind you. It looks strangely dark. SPOILER!!: For August and Kurumi Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Holding her light high above her head, Kurumi was a little disappointed that there wasn't...MORE in here to look at. Just blank walls and lots of shadows to poke her wand in and attempt to illuminate. Maybe she should just cast Lumos Maxima. Just as she was about to do so, she heard a loud thud and August shouting.
" Wait, huh?" CATS? There were cats in here? Kurumi glanced down at the list. Oh, right, stuffed ones. Well that was a relief. Kurumi then rushed over to August abd picked up one of the cats herself. " Cats! I'm glad we found one of these even if the thought is rather morbid." Petrified cat and all.
Making sure to not let THAT cat out of the bag, Kurumi closed the lid on it and then spotted a pathway. " Hey, let's follow this," she suggested, leading the way.
They walked for a bit, but then eventually exited out of Slytherin's left ear. was sort of high up here. Waddling ever so slightly, Kurumi made her way on top of Slytherin's head. " August...isn't this sort of...empowering being up here. I mean, we are standing RIGHT where he did it." Meaning where Harry Potter had stabbed the basilisk with the Sword of Gryffindor. Quote:
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 Glad that he now had a petrified cat, well for the scavenger hunt anyways, Auggie looked to where Kurumi had wondered off to. They still had to eb careful, they didn't want to fall into any dark chasms and be stuck there for days or anything.
The path they were going on began to lead upwards slightly and when the exited into the light again, they were coming out of a giant ear. He was alone again when he stopped looking down at all the tiny students and Professor Scabior from their perch, but after looking for a second he saw Kurumi standing at the center of Salazar's head. "It really is, I can't believe we are here. Honestly how many other wizards and witches can say they will have done this?" he said quietly, slightly in awe. "But as awesome as this is, we can't let it get to our heads. Do you think there would be anything up here?" Harry Potter had slain the thing from up here, had he not? Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Right now, Kurumi didn't even care that they were supposed to be on a hunt looking for objects. LOOK where they were standing! It was hard to imagine a creature so large that it reached up here, but it had. Her and August were standing on a piece of history, following in a Gryffindor's pawprints as the case was. It was...moving to say the least, and Kurumi just stood there quietly taking everything in.
But then August snapped her back to the task. "Right, we can't get ahead of ourselves. How about you look over there," she said, indicating with her wand to the right. "And I'll search around over here?" More on the left. The man's head was rather MASSIVE and full of crevices and dark corners where things could be hidden in. So, off she went with her wand in hand. You could say that by standing on Slytherin's head you are standing on all Slytherins. Or maybe you could just notice a large box filled with fake wands in one of the dark corners lit by your wands.
Pick a couple up! Or leave them, it's your choice, but it is on your list.
At least you are able to see the wands. Slytherin wouldn't be able to with something strange in in his right eye. SPOILER!!: For Oakey Quote:
Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose Oakey decided there was nothing in the pool of water so he took his arm out and adjusted himself so that he could lean back and look up at the ceiling of the Chamber.
His hand brushed across what felt like something scaly. Lifting it up he was surprised to see that the snake skin was sitting next to him all along. He picked it up off the ground and stood up gripping it tight.
Taking out his list he scanned it until he came across snakeskin and marked it off. Alyssa lookie here I found one! He said, waving it around in the air. Finding the snakeskin seemed to be easy enough. But what about the other items? That's an eerie dark puddle up in front isn't it? SPOILER!!: For Gideon Quote:
Originally Posted by Macavity Gideon had continued walking, his pace slow as he moved his wand gradually from side to side to cover his bases. So intent on where he placed his feet and sounds being distorted by the echoes the cavernous room created, he didn't register the girl coming up right behind him until she bumped into him. The action jostling him forward and into the puddle that he had just been about to come to. A puddle he might have skirted cautiously considering how it appeared in the shadow. Great...just great...he mused finding his feet wet even as the girl---the hufflepuff as he looked back around to see was appologizing. "Nae...its alright," he said accepting her appology trying to step to the side to get out of the puddle since she was still behind him. It was dark...too shadowy to see everything the best and likely an accident anyway. Bad luck with the puddle. Or maybe good? Your foot kicks a rectangular black object out of the puddle. Is that soaked pages? You've found the diary! No what' that in front of Slytherin's face. Dust? Or maybe something else.... SPOILER!!: For Vickers Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen As Vickers was looking around, the larger than life image of Salazar Slytherin caught his eye. Curiously he neared the stone structure, thinking of how it was the Basilisk's den. Then he noticed something... from afar it would look like dust but was it just him or did it actually form some kind of pattern? Dusts dont form patterns do they? He furrowed his brows as he reaches out, wondering if its actually some kind of shedding-- from a snake maybe? You've found the snakeskin! Right there on the floor. If Scabior placed on the ground why not in the water....? SPOILER!!: For Amelia Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ Amelia didn't see anything inside this snake head or around it, but she figured that it was a good idea for her to keep checking them and see if she could find anything. She stepped away from it and headed to the one right across from it. She started looking around. If there was nothing outside of it... she'd try in it's mouth.
And if nothing there either, she'd move on to another head. Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ Amelia looked inside the mouth of the snake statue, and she was sure that she saw something was in it. But she couldn't make out what it was even when she shined her wand on it. She hoped that it was one of the items on the list and not something totally different and possibly gross. :/
She reached inside so that she could pull it out. You grab hold of a small box. And the contents inside? About three snake fangs. Best to take one and put the others back. What's that in front of Slytherin's face. Dust? Or maybe something else.... SPOILER!!: For Lewis Quote:
Originally Posted by Lislchen THIS! This was creepy as hell. Despite his dislike for the professor, Lewis kept as close to him as possible during their trip down the Chamber of Secrets. This was insane. And even though, he knew for sure that the monster - the Basilisk - which used to live down here was dead as a doornail, the tunnels and everything about being down here was just really really scary.
And then they'd finally reached the destination of their journey. They ACTUAL Chamber. The Chamber of Secrets. Shudder. Though, this time he wasn't even sure if he'd shuddered because he was scared or because he'd just been awestruck by the chamber.
They were supposed to go on a scavenger hunt?! In here?! Seriously?! After just staring at the professor for a moment, Lewis gulped noisily before slowly making his way to one of the enormous Snake-statues. Clutching his wand tightly in his hand, he lit it up using Lumos and went to peek behind the statue. Maybe something was hidden there? Behind the statue? Good guess but not good enough. Why don't you try asking Scabior? He seems to be standing strangely in front of something. SPOILER!!: For Daichi Quote:
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF Daichi had been searching for the objects that was written down on his list. But no matter where he looked , he just couldn't find it.
The Slytherin sighed heavily after checking in one of the corners in the not-so-secret-anymore room and came back with nothing. He was surprised when he heard a boy shouting he had found cats and after checking his list he saw that petrified cat was on it. So that meant he had found it?
Daichi puffed his cheeks as he continued to search. If he was just staring he would find nothing. But as he checked the places, his dark brown eyes caught the attention of the Professor whom, as Daichi had remembered, had not moved from his spot by the chamber door. As if it was...guarding something.
Biting his lower lip and after looking around to see if no one else had seen it, he walked towards the man with an almost curious expression. "Professor Scabior?" he asked as he looked up at the man. "Can i ...can i check here as well?" he pointed behind the Professor and then lowered his arm. He did not believe he was just standing there to watch how the students were doing. Someone was approaching him? Finally. Scabior chuckled. "No point in that, but here-" He reached behind him, withdrawing something that seemed to be in a box hidden by the shadows. Looking to see if anyone was watching Scabior thrust the items into the boys chest.
Looking down you see....a sorting hand? with a toy sword sticking out? Two items in one!
With two items in hand and everyone looking on the ground, perhaps taking a look at the water would be best? SPOILER!!: For Lily Quote:
Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter Lily had no idea where to start. Should I just wander around until I stumble into something... Lily raised her wand and then started looking around.
Still. Mega. Creepy.
As she wandered, she came up to the front of the Slytherin face when she figured there would be plenty of areas around here to hide something. Start down low and work my way back up... Man. This place is mega dirty. The ravenclaw started at the ground near the face, searching for anything on her list. That big pile of dust looks kinda funny... Why would there be a big pile right here anyway? Looking around, Lily tried to find someone to ask... and there was an older Ravvie that she had met before.
"Hey um... Vickers. Does snakeskin look like dust? Because there's this big pile of dust right here." Hopefully the older boy was looking at the dust stuff too, because Lily had no clue what snakeskin looked like. No need to ask. As you get closer its pretty obvious tell that the thing you thought was dust is actually a pile of snakeskin. Pick a piece up! And looking around for the next item.
In the mouth of a snake perhaps? SPOILER!!: For Evelyn Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light
Evelyn cringed when she heard him stumble into a puddle of water..sigh. She should have watched where she was going. She shifted her wand to the other hand and brushed her hair off her face. " was dark and I was looking at the creepy statue and...yeah." Evelyn gave a nervous smile. She slowly continued to walk forward, avoiding the water on the floor. Ughh. It was so dark and creepy. That dust like pile still calls you. Or maybe it's something else....
Dust doesn't have a pattern does it?[/QUOTE] SPOILER!!: For Sierra Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
As they were ushered inside, Sierra followed the rest of her classmates, all the while looking around and taking in everything she could about the Chamber. She doubted seriously she'd go down here again. What were the odds of going down here even once, much less twice? She accepted a small piece of parchment, read it over, then looked up again.
Dear Merlin! How in Merlin's name was she meant to be the one to find something first?! There were now people and objects everywhere. Argh! Anything is possible if you just use your eyes looking around. Speaking of eyes does there appear to be a pile of objects in Slytherin's eye? SPOILER!!: For Angelina Quote:
Originally Posted by Katergirl Closing her eyes while she went down the tunnel to the Chamber she was so scared. Even if it was so dark going down it was so scary! All she had to do was close her eyes and wait for the falling to stop. Finally she hit the bottom and silde down on something she couldn't see that felt like a slide on a place ground. Once Angelina hit the group and stopped she open her eyes to see she was in a large tunnel that was dark and all dirty. She looked around in wonder if they all had to keep going to get to the chamber. Their professor then moved them on and Angelina fallowed. While fallowing she looked around in wonder. This may be the only time she will ever be in the Chamer of Secrets so she took it all in and tried to make sure she would remember this always. For being a Slytherin it was so nice to be somewhere the founder of the house made. Even if the reasons werent the best it was still nice.
When the door opens with a bunch of snakes on it Angelina looks at them all its pretty cool in her eyes. Once the class starts walking into the chamber Angelina was in ahhs it wa so big. So many tunnels, and so dirty. Up ahead she spots the big head of what she guessed the found of Slytherin house.
Grabbing the paper the professor gave them she looks over it. She had I find these? That sounds like fun. She was ready to get started. The water up in front looks pretty eerie and dark doesn't it? Checking it out wouldn't be a bad idea. SPOILER!!: For Ella Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow While circling the room, Ella approached what appeared to be a Statue of Slytherin, noting something dark in front of his face. What was that? Ella held her lit wand up and examined the thing closely. It was still quite hard to see despite her wand light and she was considering reaching out to touch the item, in hopes that nothing would jump out at her. Could they be the glasses? Or maybe the hat? Ella consulted her list, trying to think what the item could possibly be. Nothing seems ON the statue of Slytherin. But that is that IN FRONT of it? A pile of dust? No. Dust doesn't have a weird sort of design. SPOILER!!: For Violet Quote:
Originally Posted by midnight_thestral "Great! That''s awesome." Violet crossed off the fake snake fang off her list. Now where to look next? "I'm going to look over at the big mermaid statue at the end." she called over to the others. "Maybe I'll find a plastic sword of Gryffindor." Violet knew there ought to be an object down by there. She walked along the snake heads and looked down on the ground, hoping that there will be something out of place that will catch her eye. Quote:
Originally Posted by midnight_thestral "Hello there! Want to come search the objects for me? So far, I've only found the fake snake fangs, but there's got to be some more objects around here.." Violet got on her knees and started to feel around the stone. Maybe there was some type of lever that she could pull on that led to a passage. She got back up on her knees and searched the mouth of the huge stone statue again. She peered inside it's mouth, hoping there would be the plastic sword of Gryffindor in there. No mermaid statues are in the Chamber. But the statue of Salazar Slytherin which you are looking in seems to be good. Inside the mouth there seems to be...a box? What...of petrified toy cats! Another item! SPOILER!!: For Nate Quote:
Originally Posted by natethegreat Nate started to look all around, up and down. He then saw the professor standing in front of something. He went over and looked behind him. He then saw one of the items he was searching for. It was a plastic sword of godric gryffyndor.
1. plastic sword of gryffyndor Scabior looked at the boy. "...What do you want kid?"
ooc: I said NOTHING about him having the gryffindor sword behind his back, please pay attention to the clues, and don't assume until I've told you that, that is in fact what you found SPOILER!!: For Elise Quote:
Originally Posted by iceblossom22 Turning around, she shone her wand light in the general direction of where Professor Scabior was. Right, near the entrance...
Walking over to him quickly, she stopped when she was about a safe distance from him. "I was asking if it was the real sorting hat down here, and not a replica..." she repeated.
Now, where would a snake fang be? In a snake head, riiiight? She'd probably go there to check after he responded. Scabior sighed."There are enough items downhere for everyone to get one. I'm pretty sure there aren't more than one sorting hats so having the real one down here makes no sense." That answer your question? "By the way..." He looked around before pulling something out behind him and throwing it at her.
The sorting hat! And inside...a small toy sword! Two items down. Perhaps looking in the head of some snakes could get your more. SPOILER!!: For Sophie Quote:
Originally Posted by jujune29th Yeah, Sophie was sure now. That wasn't a really nice idea. The Chamber of Secrets looked really creepy and scary. But it looked amazing as well. It was still scarier than amazing.
She wanted to find the things they were supposed to find, but she definitely did not want to do that on her own. Obviously, staying next to Professor Scabior wouldn't make her find anything, so her only option was to stay with a fellow student. Hufflepuff, preferably.
Right after spotting the older badger, she rushed in his direction and grabbed his arm with one hand, not bothering to let him know she was right behind him first. She held up her wand with her other hand and started looking around. The chamber isn't that scary! Hey...does that water up at the front seem look strangely dark to you? SPOILER!!: For Edvard Quote:
Originally Posted by Poolicious;10931688
He was officially here in the Chamber of Secret. The chamber was really creepy and scary but then again Salazar Slytherin created this thing so what did he expect? A chamber full of pink color and flower everywhere? Okay that thought frighting him more.
Messer need to find someone, an older student would be nice since they know more spells so if something attack him down here he could hide behind the older student. Yup. That was a good idea. Then he saw Lewis the [s lost[/s] boy he met in the feast. When Messer was about to approach him, someone already rushed to his side and grabbed the older Hufflepuff's hand. Its Sophie. Maybe she had the same idea like him finding an older student. So without second thought, Messer rushed toward Lewis and poked him. "Do you mind if I team up with you guys?" Since three head are better than two. Teaming up seems to be a plan. Those snakeheads look oddly suspicious as well...taking a look inside couldn't hurt. SPOILER!!: For Gwendolyn Quote:
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill Oooh. So they were actually going in the Chamber of secrets!?! Gwendolyn was completely mind blown. Although some of the students realized that it might be even dangerous and some of them seemed to not really like the idea, the young Ravenclaw thought this could be the best lesson… ever! She followed everyone until they came in the Chamber. Wooow. It sees really interesting!, she told herself, not thinking that it was, in fact, quite creepy.
Quickly scanning the place, Gwen made a few steps and tried to decide where she should start looking for those objects. Hmm. Maybe I would need a partner too. She looked over her shoulder to see if there were any other students still partner-less. Nope. Not really, the third year told herself as she walked towards the statue of Salazar Slytherin. It is a good place to start, right? However, on her way to the statue, Gwendolyn stopped for a second to look at one of the snakes. Supporting her hand on the snake fangs, the third year thought there might be something hidden in it. Near it. Somewhat…
She had no luck in finding anything there, and as she looked around, the young Ravenclaw decided she wasn’t about to check out ALL of the snake statues. Grrr. Because they were too many. And they had only an hour to search for the objects. So, coming back to her original plan, Gwendolyn walked towards the statue of Salazar Slytherin.
As she glimpsed back at the list of objects they had to find, her eyes stopped at the err…toy Petrified cat. That one was for sure creepy. And if she were to find anything, she would probably come across that. Or the snakeskin. Something weird, anyway. Looking up at the statue of Slytherin you notice something weird in his right eye. Is that a box? Filled with...a slightly round objects maybe? Hm.
Wonder why they would be in his eye. "Forty-five minutes." Scabior called out, just in case they weren't keeping time. He sure was.
__________________ {act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure}  {i'll show you} |