Oooh. So they were actually going in the Chamber of secrets!?! Gwendolyn was completely mind blown. Although some of the students realized that it might be even dangerous and some of them seemed to not really like the idea, the young Ravenclaw thought this could be the best lesson… ever! She followed everyone until they came in the Chamber. Wooow. It sees really interesting!, she told herself, not thinking that it was, in fact, quite creepy.
Quickly scanning the place, Gwen made a few steps and tried to decide where she should start looking for those objects. Hmm. Maybe I would need a partner too. She looked over her shoulder to see if there were any other students still partner-less. Nope. Not really, the third year told herself as she walked towards the statue of Salazar Slytherin. It is a good place to start, right? However, on her way to the statue, Gwendolyn stopped for a second to look at one of the snakes. Supporting her hand on the snake fangs, the third year thought there might be something hidden in it. Near it. Somewhat…
She had no luck in finding anything there, and as she looked around, the young Ravenclaw decided she wasn’t about to check out ALL of the snake statues. Grrr. Because they were too many. And they had only an hour to search for the objects. So, coming back to her original plan, Gwendolyn walked towards the statue of Salazar Slytherin.
As she glimpsed back at the list of objects they had to find, her eyes stopped at the err…toy Petrified cat. That one was for sure creepy. And if she were to find anything, she would probably come across that. Or the snakeskin. Something weird, anyway.
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