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Crumpling the parchment up into a small ball, Cece was tempted to throw it at Oliver and bounce it off that big head of his. Instead she opted to shove it in her pocket. She would burn it later... to keep him from passing it around. "Yeah and you believe me, nothing you ever do could make you look good anyway." Well not in her eyes anyway.
Out of the mouths of babes her foot. "Yeah, right after you fed them the information." She mumbled more to herself than anyone else. Feeling a sudden urge to throw up Cece turned to leave... again. "I'm done talking to you. I have... a walk to get back to." Only thing is, she wasn't sure where her walk was going to lead her now.
He almost burst out laughing but managed to just let a small chuckle fall out of his mouth. She was just asking for it.
"Well there are a few lady Professors that would disagree with you there Cece." And Oliver didn't feel the need to give her any names either.
Well she might be mumbling to herself but Oliver could hear what she was saying.
"It might interest you to know Cece, that I had no idea about this gossip rag. It was William who brought it to my attention." And of course he just had to bring it to Cece's attention.
Because he was good like that.
Oh she had a walk to get back to.
"You off to go hang all over William again? Apparently you're ALWAYS doing that." According to his best mate anyway.