inception! XD Eagle Eye [⅓ Badger Trio] Felon & Kafka ♥ Gilderoy Lockhart <3 [TEAM 947!]
No, not exactly. "No, that the thought of losing me was what got you to act foolishly." At least he was agreeing with the way she'd acted. Treyen wasn't sure if the word 'foolishly' was the right one, but considering he was at a loss of coming up with words, then he'd use the same one she had.
If he was being honest, as he always had, "You almost did," lose him, "But for entirely different reasons." Because of her actions, and how unreasonable she'd been. Granted, it's not like they were given a lot of time to sort it all out. It only took a few minutes before Kurumi's eyes turned to black. That's when he got worried. Not just for Kurumi, but for Ellie as well. He's met Mr. Hollingberry, and knows how loud the man can get, that same thing runs through Kurumi's blood. So, he only wanted to avoid something that would've been impossible to fix. Something they'll all regret.
The Head Boy nodded when she apologized, "It's not me you have to apologize to, you know?" She well knew, but he was still going to accept it, somehow. "It's okay, Ellie." He said, and kissed her forehead. Really, what she'd thought of him at the time, he didn't know, but he supposed he could forgive her for that too. People make mistakes.
Plant the idea? But...well, he wouldn't disagree this time, however, now that he knew how she felt...he still wasn't thinking there was someone better for him. His eyes were still on her, and they probably weren't going to turn away from her either. "I'm not leaving you. Unless you want me to." That was what she needed to decide.
But first..., "Please, don't." Don't say that. "You didn't know better." She wasn't a monster. Ellie was too far from that. Treyen searched for her hand, it was up to her if she wanted him to hold it or not. He'll give her that choice.
There was another choice she was going to be making. Why her? Because she was the one that suffered the most on a daily basis, apparently, "Ellie," this is where his heart started to race again, "I don't want you to keep on wondering whether or not I'm seeing other girls. I only want you. I don't want you to doubt anything that I say. I'll speak the truth, you know this, and you also know that I don't care if it gets me in trouble or not." Hence why he lost a great deal of points a while ago. "I'd hate to know that when you're with me, you'll be thinking if there's someone else I'd rather be with. The answer is you." Treyen knew this, of course. "We can't be together if you don't believe you're the only girl on my mind." And she was. Well, her grandmother and sister didn't count. So, yeah, she was the only one. "I still want you. You're the one that holds the choice of keeping me as your boyfriend or not." She was the one who should decide. He already knew what he wanted, but he didn't want her to feel this way.