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Old 02-27-2012, 09:47 PM   #102 (permalink)

Special Services to the School
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Deep in the <3 of TX
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Everleigh Tris Annesley
Fifth Year
*RabidRavenclaw*Nymphadora!*BritneySpearsFanatic* *Eclectic*ZetaTauAlphaPrincess*TexasAngel*

SPOILER!!: YesYesYes

Originally Posted by Team ronmione View Post
Adam's eyes bugged out of his sockets. He felt a lump formulate in his throat as he looked at the dish. To him it resembled like brown brain guts with chunks of gooey white snow. Hesitantly he took his fork and took the smallest of a bite, swallowing the dish.

Hmm. It was kind of watery and thick at the same time.

"There's french fries.Win for french fries. And err... is that melted cheese, that one stuff hanging on top of everything else?" Adam asked pointing at the substance.
Originally Posted by natethegreat View Post
Nate looked at the food that was being served right now. He thought it looked kind of wierd. He had to admit some of the things he eats is pretty wierd to. So he had to try it. He wasn't sure where it was from, but he could take a guess at what was in it. He raised his hand and said "It looks like what americans call french fries. With some gravy and cheese. Also it looks like what over here we call mash. Over in america I think it's called mashed potatoes."
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Ella tried the dish and wrinkled her nose, it was not her favorite. She wouldn't mind the dish if it didn't have so much stuff on it. She had no idea where it was from either so she listened to the other students answer the Professor.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Sierra stared at the dish in front of her. Poutine. Hmm. All she saw was a pile of chips with cheese on top of them. Oh, and there was a gravy and what looked like a sauce, too. "It looks like what we call chips," Sierra said, raising her hand, "or...french fries." Lowering her hand, she added, "There's cheese, gravy, and a sauce on top, too." She stared at the dish some more. She honestly couldn't decide whether it looked delicious or revolting. "Oh, and it's Canadian."
Originally Posted by sarahlooo View Post

Ellie looked skeptically at the first dish they were trying. Poutine? She had never heard of it. And probably for a good reason. It looked... weird.

Picking up her fork, Ellie poked it around for a second before stabbing what seemed to be a french fry. But what were those giant white chunks? Ellie looked around at the other students skeptically before looking back at the poutine. She pursed her lips and took a bite.

... Cheese? That white chunk tasted sort of cheesy. And there was some sort of gravy or sauce on it. It was kind of weird. But intriguing. And made Ellie took another bite. Hm.
Originally Posted by Katergirl View Post
Angelina stared down at the plate. With her not being picky about food what so ever maybe she will like it. Take her fork she took some of the Pourtine. When she began to eat it and taste the flavored Angelina thought it was amazing! She liked it a lot it came on her list of great foods. She couldn't wait to try other foods after this now!

After she was done eating the Pourtine she raised her hand and said, "Is it for Canada or somewhere like that?" she wanted to say from Sweden but that wouldn't be right.
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
Alex wrinkled his eyebrows. He was usually very adventurous when it came to food but THIS...this looked like something had gotten curdled milk split all over it. EWWWWW. Still, it couldn't hurt to try it just once...maybe he'd like it! He knew very well it WASN'T spoiled milk on there, it just looked like it, it was probably a cheese of some sort.

He took a bite as it made it's way around and he found he was right--or at least he thought so. It tasted like cheese. It had to be cheese, right? He raised his hand, remembering that he'd heard about this dish even though he'd never heard of what was in it until now. "It's from Canada, right? That place with all the maple syrup?" he answered. He was surprised there wasn't any syrup in this!
Originally Posted by Zekk View Post
Sean looked at the dish, he wasn't sure what to think about it. He'd heard about it but just wasn't sure if he really wanted to try it. He sucked it up, and took a big bite. And it was amazing! He savored the bite, smiling to himself.

Now the Professor had asked a question right? So he was going to try and answer the best he could. He raised his hand and said "I believe it's a Canadian dish Professor." He thought about it more, thinking about what flavors he tasted. "It tastes like there is potatoes and some kind of cheese in it."
Originally Posted by DeathEater1 View Post
Cardigan listened to the professor intently.She had never been over to North/South America area yet so she would be need to be attent and alert.She took a sip of her Mocha,leaving a fresh line of Foam across her upper lip.With a quick movement of her tongue,the sweet Foam was cleared from her face.She scooped up a forkfull of the Poutine and took a bite.Mulling it around a bit in her mouth,she noticed how it had a Potatoish taste to it.Not as good as some things she's had,but it was good all the same.

"Didn't Poutine originate in Quebec?"Cardigan asked the professor thoughtfully.She may not have ever been to Quebec or any of the North/South America area,but she still had a vast knowledge!She took a small sip of her Mocha,her throat being parched and all.Didn't want to have a parched throat when trying lots and lots of food!
Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter View Post

Lily looked at her plate as it appeared in front of her. She waited until the professor was done talking before she decided to taste the dish. A small bite was all she needed. It wasn't bad but it definitely wasn't her favorite.

Lily placed her fork down and raised her hand to answer the question. "I think it has french fries in it." That's what it looked like at least. Lily had tried poutine before but it didn't look quite like this one, and she thought that the other one tasted better too.
Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
Evelyn finished her mocha finally and placed the mug on the table when the professor started to speak. And..suddenly a plate filled with food appeared in front of her. Ten different dishes!? Wow. When the professor proceeded to say that they could try one bite of each dish, Evelyn was a little relieved. She definitely couldn't eat everything.

The girl placed the napkin on her lap and picked up the fork. She took a bite of the dish and chewed on it slowly. Hm. It was good. She'd heard of poutine but she'd never had it before.

Evelyn raised her hand and asked curiously, "Professor, isn't this dish from Canada?"

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Laura wasn't going to try this food it looked disguisting. "Professor is it from Mars?" Seriously it looked like something an alien would eat and even then she wasn't sure about them eating them.
Gemma wrinkled her eyebrows with that comment, "Well, of course, it's not from Mars since we are going around OUR world in 80 bites...but remember to keep off hand comments to yourself, because we do have students from the origin of this dish's country and you don't want to hurt their feelings..." she said politely trying to get the student to realize that their comment was a little rude to anyone from Canada....

The professor smiled as the students gave the dish a try and then answered her question. "Yes you are all correct..." she said excitedly. "Poutine is a fast food dish that originated in Quebec and can now be found across Canada. It is made of fried potatoes with fresh cheese curd or slices covered in gravy." she finished and then wiped her mouth a little bit with her napkin.

"Now onto our next dish..." she said with a flick. On the board above the bottom square on the left side lite up. "The next dish is a little bit spicy but I know you can all handle it." she paused after taking a drink of water...just the thought of spicy made her thirsty but she loved spicy.

"This dish is called feijoada..." she said the word with her best South American accent but she was sure it still sounded countryish..."Anyone care to guess what it is and where it's from..." she asked and then motioned for the students to give it a try.

SPOILER!!: Feijoada

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