Music = Life::Create Memories
Cove's smiled grew as she reached down to grab her violin case. She opened it and tuned her violin, so the piece wouldn't come out as terrible as it might. She placed the case back on the floor and her violin and bow on her desk. Grabbing the piece Dr. MacNally passed out, she thought to herself, Mary had a Little Lamb?That was simple, but she guessed simple was the best to start with. She grabbed her wand while mumbling the spells. She pointed her wand at the piece of music and said, "Ludo Totalum." she said clearly. She then turned to her violin and drew a circle with her wand and said, "Ludo Solus." Her violin started playing 'Mary had a Little Lamb' as if it was a professional playing it. "Sir, have I done it?" she asked.
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